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The World’s Largest Lego Millennium Falcon
Lego celebrates May the 4th with Star Wars fans as they build the world’s biggest Lego Millennium Falcon.
Photograph by Annie Leibovitz
Game Of The Force
Gwendoline Christie, the actress who plays Brienne of Tarth on HBO’s Game Of Thrones, is the sparkly Stormtrooper Captain Phasma in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
The World’s Highest Movie Theater
It is somehow appropriate that the ISS Astronauts watch Star Wars in space on “May The Fourth!”
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Come On Guys! It’s A New Week! You Can Start It!
If stairs were Monday’s, we’d all be like butterball.
How To: Comments On DA
Comments are an integral part of our everyday DeviantArt life — we communicate with each other through comments, give and get feedback, critiques, or have the most interesting conversation whose origin is one simple comment on a deviation or journal. This article is all about commenting, including a few commenting tips and thoughts on commenting by fellow deviants, as well as some resources you might find helpful for commenting.
The Book Club At The End Of The Lane
It’s a brand new month and that means it’s time for a new book! The CRLiterature book club will be focused on “The Ocean at the End of the Lane” by Neil Gaiman. Time to get reading!
The Hyper Detailed Work Of Ben Kwok
Ben Kwok's (BioWorkZ) super intricate body of work will leave you breathless. Take a look, he’s worked his fingers to the bone for you.
This portrait collection by ZephyraMilie is truly inspiring. Please check out all the deviants who were included!
May Photography Community Newsletter
If you want to know what is going on in the DeviantArt Photography community, this newsletter is for you.
Forum Feature: Does Your Diet Need Some Spice?
EdisonCoco is looking to bring some life to his diet and needs great food recommendations. Share your favorites here.
Drink And Draw Ends In Death
Two killed after anti-Islamic drawing competition in Texas. 200 people attended the Pamela Geller event where a cash prize was being offered for drawings of Muhammed. The shooters, who were firing from a car, were brought down by police officers who had been fired upon first, one being shot in the leg. The police are looking for another suspect that may have been involved in the shooting.
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Monument To Freedom
Unveiled in Berlin were three bronze statues in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz square by Italian sculptor Davide Dormino. The statues represent his choice of three contemporary heroes who have sacrificed their freedom for the truth. The three he chose are; Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Manning.
The Suicide Squad Stand Revealed!
David Ayer released an (almost) full-team photo of the Suicide Squad in costume. Only the Joker was missing from the line up. In keeping with an old Hollywood tradition of, ‘if you’re paying for a star you want to see him’, Will Smith probably won’t be wearing the full head mask that Deadshot wears in the comic book for too long.
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Rain Works
Peregrine Church is a Seattle-based artist who uses the typical rainy weather to his advantage and creates wonderfully uplifting street art in the process.
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Oregon May Get It’s Own Volcano
A massive underwater volcano is likely erupting off coast of Oregon. Magma may already have started flowing but they won’t know for sure until they take a closer look. But if you’re feeling jealous you could create your own volcano in your own backyard.