WINNERS of Our BIG Anniversary Flower Contest!

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TeaPhotography's avatar



izza pandah. by valokilljoy :forget-me-not: - NaNoEmo 06 by a-kid-at-heart izza pandah. by valokilljoy :forget-me-not: - NaNoEmo 06 by a-kid-at-heart izza pandah. by valokilljoy :forget-me-not: - NaNoEmo 06 by a-kid-at-heart izza pandah. by valokilljoy

Roula's Flowers by KmyGraphic WELCOME to Unframed-Nature's BIG FLOWER ANNIVERSARY CONTEST Rusults:
Roula's Flowers by KmyGraphic

Welcome dearest Members, Watchers, Friends, and Supporters of Unframed-Nature, :heart:

Thank you so much for being here and joining us for the fabulous results of our "BIG Autumn FLower" Contest 2016!  This was such an absolutely lovely and gorgeous contest from beginning to end! - (my sincerely apologies for sharing the results this late, all my [your Senior Team Leader's] doing. )

:flowers: First and foremost, we as our whole group, would just LOVE to thank you for ALL of the sensational flower deliveries (entries) that were bestowed upon us for our 10th YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
Oh, were they ever so much fun to receive!

:thanks: :icongiveroseplz: :icondoublehugplz::icondoublehugplz::icondoublehugplz: :icongiveroseplz: :thanks:

We had seventy (70) entries, ALL awesome, and each one so beautiful, and truly there WERE some which were quite UNIQUE, and very CREATIVE, as were definitely mentioned for the criteria for setting one's own apart, for the specific judging criteria.  How exciting to see!

We had some judging issues, but NOT with the judges who actually did come to judge.
Our judges did a brilliant job- I was amazed at the care they took, the way they took their criteria to heart, and the time they spent to do a compellingly impressive job, so well done!

But, mostly due to some communication issues, which I myself take on completely, we didn't have quite as many judges- and this is why, I, as your Senior Team Leader, never join ANY of the Contests (or even Themes) that we design out of our own group, and take extra great precautions in these "Big Contests" to even stay out of the voting process...

my role is the contest, itself, and then trying to encourage artists to join, and thank the members who do, but I hold myself to remain as unbiased as possible.  This is very important, just in case, I need to step in for judging for any reason.

In the case of this contest, I did step in.  My only role was called a "Secondary Judge".
What this means is, I ONLY judged on works, in which our first judges had already chosen.  In other words, I did NOT go back into the full body of entries and make my own brand new choices from ALL entries. I judged solely on works already judged on, by our judges who had come to judge, and from there we have our solid group of WINNERS!

(It is always important to me, to be honest with my members/Admins., both in general, and in the instance of this contest, about how things are handled. :aww: )

And so, without further ado,


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

:iconbouquetplz: :iconbouquetplz: :iconbouquetplz:

Without further ado, here are the CONTEST results...

izza pandah. by valokilljoy :forget-me-not: - NaNoEmo 06 by a-kid-at-heart izza pandah. by valokilljoy :forget-me-not: - NaNoEmo 06 by a-kid-at-heart izza pandah. by valokilljoy :forget-me-not: - NaNoEmo 06 by a-kid-at-heart izza pandah. by valokilljoy

:icontrophyplz: OUR TOP EIGHT NINE! WINNERS :icontrophyplz:

:trophy: FIRST PLACE rosaarvensis :iconrosaarvensis: with: Bees have gone to sleep II by rosaarvensis :iconflowersplz:

More from this Artist:

Zinnias by rosaarvensis Oh summer by rosaarvensis Dawn with poplars by rosaarvensis
Yarrow in blue by rosaarvensis Wanderer by rosaarvensis Wooden house by rosaarvensis
Fragaria by rosaarvensis Years go by by rosaarvensis Half here, half there II by rosaarvensis
Bad dreams by rosaarvensis

:trophy: SECOND PLACE  cacharoth :iconcacharoth: with: Sunny 10 by cacharoth :iconflowersplz:

More from this Artist:

little snail by cacharoth tempo by cacharoth swtor varactyl babys by cacharoth
cactus bloom by cacharoth dark trees by cacharoth rough bark by cacharoth
looking at you by cacharoth wildstar land jellyfish by cacharoth swtor ice plain by cacharoth
butterfly by cacharoth

:trophy: THIRD PLACE Shadoweddancer :iconshadoweddancer:  with: :iconflowersplz:

More from this Artist:

Still Life with Seashells by Shadoweddancer
Dawn Breaks by Shadoweddancer

:trophy: FOURTH PLACE allison731 :iconallison731: with: Spring Beauty by allison731 :iconflowersplz:

More from this Artist:

Dandelion by allison731 Fly to Heaven by allison731 Blue Horizon II by allison731
Spring Beauty II by allison731 Ginger Cat by allison731 Lion Portrait II by allison731
Golden Eyes by allison731 Undersea Life by allison731 Magical Thoughts by allison731
Roses by allison731

:icontrophyplz: The FOUR FIVE RUNNERS-UP! :icontrophyplz:

In A RANDOM Order...

:trophy: RUNNER-UP ChristineDim :iconchristinedim: with: A tiny bit of spring(series) by ChristineDim :iconpoppy3plz:

More from this Artist:

Come play with us by ChristineDim:bigthumb617362676: Pumpkin field by ChristineDim
Pusheen the cat by ChristineDim:bigthumb612585856:

:trophy: RUNNER-UP  killerkrabbe :iconkillerkrabbe: with: Cycle of Life by killerkrabbe :iconpoppy3plz:

More from this Artist:

shy by killerkrabbe lynx by killerkrabbe still see you by killerkrabbe
another fish by killerkrabbe foggy by killerkrabbe

:trophy: RUNNER-UP  gustiidiaz :icongustiidiaz: with: Down Under. by gustiidiaz :iconpoppy3plz:

More from this Artist:

Let Go. by gustiidiaz Sundown at the Delta Marsh by gustiidiaz Guardians of the Forest by gustiidiaz
The Truth Is Still Out There... by gustiidiaz For one moment, be silent and listen. by gustiidiaz

:trophy: RUNNER-UP  jxsnyder :iconjxsnyder: with: :bigthumb610570243: :iconpoppy3plz:

More from this Artist:


:trophy: RUNNER-UP  unikatdesign :iconunikatdesign: with: Lupine by unikatdesign :iconpoppy3plz:

More from this Artist:

Waterfall in the Catlins by unikatdesign Beautiful yellow blossoms by unikatdesign Chicken by unikatdesign
Krake by unikatdesign Dramatic sunset by unikatdesign


:w00t: :iconlawooplz: :w00t: :iconlawooplz: :w00t:


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

:iconbouquetplz: :iconbouquetplz: :iconbouquetplz:

:iconfirstplaceplz: PRIZES :iconfirstplaceplz:

To see :eyes: the Wonderful LIST of VERY GENEROUS prizes offered to the above NINE Winners,
simply SCROLL to the "PRIZES" Section of the Original Contest News Article, HERE:
Our BIG Anniversary FLOWER Contest

:note: Please, be patient, in order to give proper time to notify
ALL of the prize-givers, and THEN, for each of these prize-givers to deliver their various prizes. :aww: Thank you! :thanks: :heart:

ENJOY, as your prizes begin to "roll in"! :heart:


ADDITIONALLY, We really appreciate ALL INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS who PROMOTED our Contest, as well! :heart:


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

izza pandah. by valokilljoy :forget-me-not: - NaNoEmo 06 by a-kid-at-heart izza pandah. by valokilljoy :forget-me-not: - NaNoEmo 06 by a-kid-at-heart izza pandah. by valokilljoy :forget-me-not: - NaNoEmo 06 by a-kid-at-heart izza pandah. by valokilljoy


Quick Group News!

Flower Bullet (Purple) - F2U! by Skelettaa "May-June's TOP Sub's of Unframed-Nature & NEWS" is STILL planned for publishing! Things will be running late for a while longer yet, until... well, things get back a bit closer to our group's "regular" schedule.

Flower Bullet (Purple) - F2U! by Skelettaa "VOTE on TOP Submissions of JULY-AUG. 2016" will be out, Aug. 31st/Sept. 1st. *Remember our group closes during this Membership Voting periods, which happens every OTHER month- for at least a week, sometimes 8 days- unless otherwise noted.*

Flower Bullet (Purple) - F2U! by Skelettaa If you don't know about it yet, I'd like to take this moment to promote a special contest hosted by Fractal-Love
Founder, our very own Annissina
It's not too late- ENDS: AUGUST 31st!
Read all about it HERE:

Annissina's July Feature + New Contest

Feel free to JOIN the contest! Not a fractalist? Perhaps help to promote it, donate a feature, or a few points!

Flower Bullet (Purple) - F2U! by Skelettaa Believe it or not, we actually did get through MOST ALL of the Activities, from:

And we are definitely winding down...
though, there *may* be a remnant or two left, regarding a couple of activities...

I can't believe how AMAZING, that EVERYONE was!


Flower Bullet (Purple) - F2U! by Skelettaa We have given out, and WILL CONTINUE to give out (with the BIG CONTEST, *right here*) many points in regard to our "TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY" ... continue with ALL that we DO still have planned for the rest of this year, AND have enough to renew our SUPERGROUP STATUS for 2017, (which comes due, early DECEMBER- sooner than we think), please consider to help us out with any amount of
:points: Points:
HERE: Unframed-Nature-PTS :iconunframed-nature-pts:

MANY, MANY, thanks in Advance!

:icongiveroseplz: :community::community::community::community::community::community::community::community: :icongiveroseplz:

Once More: GREAT CONTEST ALL! :heart:

Tea :iconteaphotography:
Senior Team Leader


Header Image Pixabay
CSS Code artbymba
CSS Design Sassy-Cat-Sooo-Catty
Slightly Modified TeaPhotography
Special Thanks to Kitty Sassy-Cat-Sooo-Catty
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killerkrabbe's avatar
Congrats to the other winners! Cheerleader
It cant have been easy for the judges with all these great works :D
And thank you for voting me as runner up, that was quite the surprise to me Hug