JULY Features, CoNtEsT, More!

31 min read

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TeaPhotography's avatar
  1. JULY Monthly Features 2. Contest WINNERS & Features 3. News Article! 4. Special THANKS & Features 5. KIRIBAN Contest Info.

Dear Friends, Family, Watchers, & Other Talented Deviants, :painter::pencil::camera:

:flowerpot: Greetings Everyone, who has a chance to read my journal. :D :hug:'s :rose: :heart:

:new::bulletorange: JULY Monthly FEATURES and FEATURES of MONOCHROME Contest WINNERS of The Club of :iconpetloversclub:
are just below! :D :boogie:

:bulletblue: The 27th Special Random Feature is still coming soon! :boogie:

:bulletblue: A little something EXTRA: "The Extra Box" is a Customized Box with a double meaning. - :new: NEW Features!!!:w00t:
[:bulletblue: Down Left-hand Side of Main Page]. :aww::rose:

:new: KIRIBAN CONTEST Info. :new:

I'm 1K + away, but this KIRIBAN CONTEST will be for pageview number 33,333.  


First of all, this contest is open to ANYONE- all watchers,
yet you do NOT have to be a watcher to win! :D

I really like the number 3, a lot :heart: - hence: 33,333.
There will be, hopefully, 3 winners.

To Participate:
:bulletblack: SEND me a Photo of the Screen Shot of my page at 33,333 [and NOT before], in a dA NOTE.
:bulletblack: Winners must be ON 33,333 or AFTER and not before 33,333.  But the range STOPS at 33,350.  So you have to be ON or BETWEEN 33,333 and 33,350 to be one of the 3 WINNERS!


:bulletgreen:FIRST: 3 MONTH Subscription, HUGE 2 week journal feature, 7-day Sit-Back Slide-show feature, A place in my MONTHLY FEATURES each month for the rest of 2009, A Work of Gift Art.

:bulletgreen:SECOND: BIG 2 week journal feature, 6-day Sit-Back Slide-show feature, A place in my MONTHLY FEATURES each month for the next 3 months, A Work of Gift Art.

:bulletgreen:THIRD: Big 2 week journal feature, 5-day Sit-Back Slide-show feature, A place in my MONTHLY FEATURES for the next 3 months, A Work of Gift Art.

Good Luck and Best Wishes!</b> :flowerpot:

:new:THE HUMAN PROJECT is in the NEWS now!:new:
Thank you :thanks: to everyone who had wonderful art in The HUMAN Project and HUGE thanks to those who were supportive, encouraging, and enthusiastic about it, all along the way! :rose:

Thank you to those who already :+fav:'d the article, and for comments there. If you've not seen The HUMAN Project News Article yet, it is here: :new::heart:news.deviantart.com/article/86…:

To continue to see the features individually, the links are as follows....

:bulletpurple: PART I: :heart:teaphotography.deviantart.com/…:

:bulletpurple: PART II: :heart:teaphotography.deviantart.com/…:

:bulletpurple: PART III: :heart:teaphotography.deviantart.com/…:

:bulletpurple: PART IV: :heart:www.teaphotography.deviantart.…:

:bulletpurple: PART V: :heart:www.teaphotography.deviantart.…:

:bulletpurple: ENCORE/Part VI: :heart:my.deviantart.com/journal/edit…: .


:bulletblue: My friend Grant AfricanObserver :iconafricanobserver:
was a HUGE support of the THE HUMAN PROJECT from the very beginning, as he posted the links to each featured part to the Project, in his journal, to correspond chronologically right along with my journals.  It was such a generous & unexpected support! :aww:

He has amazing "Human" Photos himself, a few of which were in the Project. Here is some more of his wonderful work!

Manyano Makhulu by AfricanObserver Kids shopping by AfricanObserver Smoke Rings by AfricanObserver
Sunset from Mt Grace by AfricanObserver You scratch my back... by AfricanObserver Piano in the sunlight by AfricanObserver

:bulletpurple: My dear friend Sirrah AndromedaII :iconandromedaii: made me THIS stunning and gorgeous :faint: STAMP:
:thumb129331873: - Feel FREE to use it, in your Friend/Watcher stamps!
Sirrah makes awesome stamps, beautiful flower deviations, and more!
She ALSO linked to THE HUMAN PROJECT News Article on her current journal, and in the Sit-Back slide-show feature, I had won. :aww:
Here's a sample of her wonderful work:


:bulletyellow:I DO apologize for my lack of individual responses i.e. Notes & Messages & THANK-U's! I am SOOO behind, HOWEVER, I really AM doing the BEST I can. :nod: :aww: :thanks:

*Regarding your :+fav:'s and Comments, I need you all know, how very deeply grateful I feel. PLEASE know this, even if I can't always respond individually. :thanks: :heart::heart:


Raccoon. by maska13 Koala's portrait by maska13 I am aiming for you. by maska13

jazzmen beauty by dreadedhippie Austin sunset by dreadedhippie inhale by dreadedhippie

I'm Still Not Over You by VisualPoetress Lady Dragon by VisualPoetress God Gave Me You by VisualPoetress

its only words by eskimoblueboy
and wanting to feature :iconandromedaii: with :thumb123216438:
and wanting to feature :iconafterthoughtsphoto: with :thumb92861808:

Ruby-throated Hummingbird by sunflowervlg American Lady by sunflowervlg Country Time by sunflowervlg

Atlantic Call by TheFulkrum 20.36.20 by TheFulkrum


Descending Light by Passion4Photos Framed by Passion4Photos:thumb127971058:

passing by emmasea seldom by emmasea withdraw by emmasea


Yankee Doodle Jasper by JaspersMom1945 Horton Mill Covered Bridge by JaspersMom1945 Quiet Places by JaspersMom1945



Wonderfully wet by Cattereia Treasure by Cattereia Starred by Cattereia

Little friend by Earthmagic Pretty Sunflower Face by Earthmagic I've got my bug by Earthmagic

Whats Catnip Mummy? by Samcatt ROLF by Samcatt Monday Mornig Blues by Samcatt

Mechanical Animal by Tech-Attack Oh, The Stamens by Tech-Attack Disposition by Tech-Attack


Sacred moment II by InnocentCuts Shes got a Rip in her Tights by InnocentCuts If I Had No Songs by InnocentCuts



Feel free to visit the galleries of these spectacular artists. I'm sure they wouldn't mind! :aww:</b>




:bulletred: FIRST :winner::iconade135: with :thumb125373811:
More from this gallery:

:bulletred: SECOND :winner::iconanelu: with fluffy by Anelu
More from this gallery:
Martovskaya by Anelu Relaxing by Anelu Let your imagination flow by Anelu
Valentines Day by Anelu:thumb106626569: Mouse by Anelu

:bulletred: THIRD :winner::iconminisrah: with Asymmetry BW by miniSrah
More from this gallery:
Meconopsis grandis by miniSrah Tamiasciurus hudsonicus II by miniSrah
Cat in Snow by miniSrah Iris versicolor by miniSrah

:bulletred: FOURTH :winner::iconkaya01: with My Girl by kaya01
More from this gallery:
xxx by kaya01 Tanja by kaya01

:bulletred: FIFTH :winner::icondeb-e-ann: with Tyson in mono by Deb-e-ann
More from this gallery:
Lily by Deb-e-ann Custom car 80 by Deb-e-ann  [tied with...]

:bulletred: FIFTH :winner::iconsunflowervlg: with Smiling for the Camera by sunflowervlg
More from this gallery:
Sir Thomas by sunflowervlg Watch Frog by sunflowervlg

:bulletred: SIXTH: :winner::icontech-attack: with Baby Cat BW by Tech-Attack
More from this gallery:
Simplicity -  my version... by Tech-Attack Green Green III by Tech-Attack [tied with...]

:bulletred: SIXTH: :winner::iconanxietypatient: with Watching You by AnxietyPatient
More from this gallery:
Horned Owl by AnxietyPatient Splash Dog by AnxietyPatient


It was SO MUCH my pleasure to be one of the supporters of this great contest for a club I just adore! HUGE CONGRATS to ALL the WINNERS!!! And feel free to visit their fantastic galleries, I'm sure they won't mind! ;) </sup>




My friend A., TheFulkrum :iconthefulkrum: came up with a wonderful idea to help artists on dA, which I promoted from the start, but would like to support again, for MUCH longer this time. :nod: :w00t:

Feel FREE to use this stamp: :thumb128571978: by AndromedaII if you also would like to support and promote this idea of helping out each other. :aww:

In A's words:
"Every piece we submit, we also provide a link to another artist’s piece; one we feel is along the same lines.

We scratch their backs. They scratch our backs. Meanwhile, the level of work improves and there's more exposure for everyone."

I know many of us participate in various random acts of kindness [both in general and on this site] and helpful ways to support our fellow-artists/friends here on dA, and that is awesome, and I am extremely supportive of anything that is encouraging, and/or compassionate. :aww:

This is just another and also VERY creative idea to consider incorporating in your dA experience. Either promote it or utilize it, OR BOTH! :heart: :boogie:

Love makes the world go 'round.... :heart::earth::community::community::earth::heart:

DA Prints & Prints Directly from
Tea Photography.

Feel free to stop by the STORE anytime...

I am so extremely grateful to those who have purchased my images on prints & products through deviantART. It means the world :earth: to me. :aww: :rose:

Likewise, my deepest gratitude to those who've purchased directly through Tea Photography. For information on how to do that, please send a dA NOTE or email: teaphotography@mac.com

Tea Photography is its own business.

On a NEW Personal NOTE:

:bulletorange: :new: [7-16-09]

My parents are passing through again, only this time they are on their way BACK home. The first time they came about two weeks ago, on their way to Oregon, they stayed a couple days.  Now they're on their way home to Arizona, and plan to stay about four days.  They should arrive Saturday. Basically, this is a good thing, as I don't actually see/visit but once a year, maybe twice [This 2 and 4 day thing here in July is counting as a one, actually, since traditionally, one visit is at least one week long or more. :) ]

We'd like to take one long day, and at least go around the valley floor of Yosemite National Park... yes, we live that close- but it's been a while since any of us have been there, though in our total lives we've been there MANY times.  But we'll see how it goes... various other things going on. :aww:

I'm a little frustrated, just because my current Chronic Fibromyalgia flare-up is in my right hip, and it's like one long needle digging... painful to walk. Also I'm back on this one medication- for something else- from a while ago, and it really makes me exhausted, and I'm not even all the way up on the milligrams yet, as I'm doing it gradually, but I'm already more tired than usual. These things get in the way a lot... but anyway, just some current irritations. Doing my best to hang in there. :aww:


[All watcher-only stamps are on my shoutboard- If we watch each other, check there, and send me yours if you have one, IF I don't have it there yet. :nod: :flowerpot:

For the collection of ALL collected stamps, EVER, here is the link: :heart: teaphotography.deviantart.com/… :heart: ]

More Featured Stamps Later! :aww:




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Copyright Disclosures should be on each Deviation by now, but FULL DISCLOSURES regarding everything Tea Photography, is on the bottom of my SHOUTBOARD.

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Jenna-Rose's avatar
Thank you for featuring my "Blood Red Dahlia" fractal :)

This entire journal is full of beautiful images! :aww: