Calling for June Devs! WINNERS...

31 min read

Deviation Actions

TeaPhotography's avatar
1. SEND me your Devs! 2. WINNERS of CONTESTS from CLUBS 3. Continuing Cat/Dog Snuggles- Features 4. New Special Random Feature!

Dear Friends, Family, Watchers, and Other Talented Deviants, :painter::pencil::camera:

:flowerpot: Greetings Everyone, who has a chance to read my journal. :D :hug:'s :rose: :heart:

:boing::dance:CALLING for YOUR JUNE MONTHLY FEATURES:dance::boing:

:bulletpurple: 1. For my WATCHERS. :aww::thanks: ANY Watcher can participate! A watcher can even participate as many months as they'd like. :nod:

:bulletpurple: 2. This is usually announced between the 2nd - 4th of each month and the Feature is presented almost a week after [usually on/near the 7th of each month].

:bulletpurple: 3. Though I appear to be mostly a photographer, I truly LOVE about all art, so ALL media welcome :) [:bulletblack: except for NO Mature Content, due to very young nieces allowed to see my site. Please know, that I personally, have no problem. :) ] If you have a Question about any piece, just NOTE me. :)

:bulletpurple: 4. YOU send to ME in a NOTE</u>, your THREE THUMBCODES associated with your THREE works of art of YOUR own choice. Your picks! :w00t: [This is the only instance, where I don't choose for the various features I do.]

THUMBCODES:  If you don't know what this is/how to do this, NOTE me, and I will help! :nod:

:bulletpurple: 5. First come, first serve! So, DON'T WAIT long!  I will feature about the first 18 Watchers who respond... SO...

LET'S GO... You may start sending... NOW! :boogie::boogie:

:new::bulletgreen: PLEASE visit THE 19th SPECIAL RANDOM Featured Artist, below!!

:new: A little something EXTRA: "The Extra Box" is a Customized Box with a double meaning. :nod: Feel free to check that out!-[down left-hand side of main page]. :aww::rose:

:new: The SIT-BACK FEATURE of sminkyalc is NOW up! :rose:
AndromedaII's will begin June 8th. :rose:

:winner::winner::winner: CONTEST WINNERS From These GREAT CLUBS :winner::winner::winner:

:bulletblue: The CAT/TOY CONTEST held by :iconfelinefans:

:winner: FIRST: :iconpenvmbra: with :thumb121750912:
More from this gallery: :thumb89822272::thumb121657194:

:winner: SECOND: :iconsanae78: with Baby Kimba 1 by Sanae78
More from this gallery: Magic three 2 by Sanae78 Baby Yoko 1 by Sanae78
Terrible three 2 by Sanae78 Baby Kimba 3 by Sanae78

:winner: THIRD: :iconmoowna: with Coon kitten kills cord by Moowna
More from this gallery: Hey you little Coon by Moowna Sleeping beauty by Moowna
Silver Beauty by Moowna

TWO SPECIAL PRIZE WINNERS: :iconshtrumf: with having a ball by shtrumf
and :iconguardian-stupidbear: with I Got It by guardian-stupidbear

***Extra Special Thanks to :icongio-manach: for naming my entry as an
HONOURABLE MENTION in her feature of the WINNERS! How lovely! :rose:
My Entry:   Rush and His Fave Toy by TeaPhotography
And from :icongio-manach:'s gallery: :thumb121391114::thumb122953094:

:bulletblue: The BEES' KNEES CONTEST held by :iconunframed-nature:

:winner: FIRST: :icondalantech: with Get My Good Side V by dalantech
More from this gallery: Cuckoo Bee Portrait III by dalantech Ladybug on Yellow IV by dalantech
Scarlet Darter I by dalantech Staring You Down III by dalantech Dreams of Flying by dalantech

:winner: SECOND: :iconcristian-m: with Carpenter Bee 40D0023915 by Cristian-M
More from this gallery: SevenSpot Ladybug 40D0039660 by Cristian-M Eastern Cottontail 40D0040169 by Cristian-M
Royal Tern 40D0027483 by Cristian-M Copper Underwing 40D0039441 by Cristian-M

:winner: THIRD: :iconschwarzwieebenholz: with Hot and Spicy by SchwarzWieEbenholZ
More from this gallery: :thumb82180045: Heiligenschein by SchwarzWieEbenholZ
Herzblut by SchwarzWieEbenholZ

:winner: HONOURABLE MENTION: :iconsilivrentinu: with Cuddling by SilivrenTinu
More from this gallery: Quietude by SilivrenTinu Glowing Dandelion by SilivrenTinu


:bulletblack:I DO apologize for my lack of individual responses i.e. Notes & Messages & THANK-U's! I am SOOO behind, HOWEVER, I really AM doing the BEST I can. :nod: :aww: :thanks:

*Regarding your :+fav:'s and Comments, I need you all know, how very deeply grateful I feel. Please know this, even if I can't always respond individually. :thanks: :heart::heart:

The Cat & Dog Snuggle Features

:thumb123757920: b and the guardian c ... by cweeks b and her little friend c ... by cweeks
:::while you were sleeping::: by ElbsFootsteps question . existing by me-inside515:thumb103670423:
jen and radar by Sheppard-Photography My Bird-Dog by JaspersMom1945:thumb79162887:
:thumb81694155: I love my people. by thayssharumrn Just like their master by kinnikufanchick11011
Everlasting love by Steff13 Me and Thunder by Shizuko2 Byrnese Mountain Hug by shutterbabe2006


An old one of mine:

Beagle and Human Mama by TeaPhotography

Me with a kitty by sammyslion :thumb118891236: ..::Kitty and Me::.. by AshleyLeePhotography
:thumb107112185: ID by mmtezeren Lexy ID IV by TigressRampant
:thumb111790410::thumb100453719: ID by virtud
Aw by MollyLynnn:thumb81929597::thumb32857759:
my daddy and cat by sedaFB Katze ID by DemonMathiel Lexy ID III by TigressRampant
i love to nom on kittens by Samcatt 509 by evy-and-cats:thumb85343582:
Aka and Mik 2 by AkaneMiyano Pic-a-boo by coculeana Ambra and Pelo by WiccanSoul
Villma ID by Abstormal It's Me by Mondschmied
:thumb120963497: Loki and Starla by Alsunwunderland Comfort and Protection by CarrieBest
:thumb102191778: Celia et Babine II by Xx-Channel-xX:thumb123310789:
Santa Claws by mydigitalmind


An old one of mine:

Sleepy Cat and Human Mama by TeaPhotography


Random ARTISTS Features HERE NOW...

:boing: Special Talented Random Artist Features Have Begun in March 2009! :boing:

Wanna spread some happiness by Nameda PAY IT FORWARD by luffsfromafriend Encourage others stamp by Ramen27


:bulletblue: Active on dA for 1 year or more.
:bulletblue: 10K page views or less.

I believe that page views alone do not necessarily reflect levels of creativity and talent. I also think there's a lot of wonderful art/artists out there who just haven't been seen enough.

[For all the immense support and generosity that I have received since being on dA, I simply Pay it Forward ...>>>....>>>>.....>>>>>]

:new: The 19th Nineteenth Special Random Feature goes to a very good friend. She is so variously talented, and I am always in awe of her- the truly fabulous DelaneyLaFae:icondelaneylafae: :w00t:
Please visit her stunning gallery! It's so worth it. :nod: :rose:



GIFT BOX- Just Received!

:thumb124533090: from Ibrahim ibrahimabutouq :iconibrahimabutouq:
I was completely stunned by receiving this very spectacular gift from this exceptionally talented artist. :heart:

All gifts have been moved to Shout Board- Thank you so much for such splendidly amazing kindness! :heart: Remember, each one of you who has been supportive and willing to extend your friendship, has been a gift, in and of yourselves. :aww:

DA Prints & Prints Directly from
Tea Photography.

:new: JUST added new photo images for various prints/sizes, and also products! :boogie:
Feel free to stop by the STORE anytime...…:
Prints already sold via dA:
Humanistic by TeaPhotography Nature Spilled The Firey Paint by TeaPhotography
A Checkered Moment by TeaPhotography More Than Tea... by TeaPhotography[x3]
See what he sees by TeaPhotography Explore the Alps by TeaPhotography
Downtown Beauty by TeaPhotography In the Pink I by TeaPhotography
Tea Life by TeaPhotography Memories of Wishes by TeaPhotography
The Best of Friends by TeaPhotography[x3] The Grand of the Small II by TeaPhotography
Small Speaks Volumes by TeaPhotography

[IMPORTANT NOTE: The above does NOT include Prints sold directly from Tea Photography</b> outside of Deviant Art, since Tea Photography is also its own business.

:bulletpurple: For more info. on HOW TO PURCHASE PRINTS directly NOTE Tea of Tea Photography here in dA, or contact Tea @
I'm also so grateful for how much of my work is on Wishlists, too.:love:</i>:heart:  

100+ :+fav:'s Thank you beyond words...

:new:See Featured Sub-Gallery on front page here, or even inside the gallery.:new:
For me, this is exceedingly special. I am always exceptionally grateful for each :+fav: on any work someone has liked & FAVED! :rose: I'm also grateful when anyone just views :eyes: :heart: Thank each of YOU from the bottom of my HEART!

Some MORE Highlighted STAMPS

Eco-Friendly Artist by hushicho Nice People by Naomi-Shikaru Make art not war by ViOLeTjaniS
Hug Trees Stamp by Stumm47 Life Is Short - Spread Love by Silver-Dew-Drop Give Peace a Chance by chooseloveorsympathy
I love kitties-stamp by GreenieGirl Kitty Lover Stamp by Blood-Of-A-Pirate:thumb56222298:
:thumb73316647: I Love Dogs Stamp by The-Fairywitch
I love Dogs stamp by fulanita78 Snoopy Stamp by MinervasOwls Beagle Love Stamp by cloudrat
stop animal abuse by meramaya89 Artists for Animals Stamp by ArtistsforAnimals

More Later! :aww:




The Copyright Zone

Copyright Disclosures should be on each Deviation by now, but FULL DISCLOSURES regarding everything Tea Photography, is on the bottom of my SHOUTBOARD.

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© 2009 - 2024 TeaPhotography
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Cristian-M's avatar
Thanks for the fetures, Tea! :hug:
I mentioned your journal in each of the images' description. :)