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The Queen of blades in all her glory!
Kerigan From Starcraft.
I loved this game sooo bad!
i would spend an eternity playing it, with cheats, without, i didn't care, i just wanted to play it every day after school.
so this was a submission for a competition over at :iconyougotgame:
I spent at least 40 hours on not being the painterly type, i really wanted to give it a try! so this is 100% photoshop boys n gurls...and that makes it was 40 hours to much.
i didn't even make the top 5, but at least i know that i'm going to have to start practicing 10 fold.
so not only did this game get me into computer games(this and "one must fall")
but it also pushed me to try something else that i really enjoyed doing!, and i hope you all like it to, cause it's kinda an "i'm sorry for always dishin out pencil crap"
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TracyWong's avatar
Even though this is quite an older piece it's still really cool!