Rikku's SurpriseTeamNormalizer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/teamnormalizer/art/Rikku-s-Surprise-264738367TeamNormalizer

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Rikku's Surprise



In case you can't read it...

Rikku: Oh, look at me, I'm Shroomsworth and I have some weird accent from Arceus-knows-where, eh wot?
PK: Bahahahaha! S-stop! Y-you're killing me! Ahahahaha!
Shroomsworth: Stop this foolishness at once! It is not funny!

Well, it's almost Haloween time, so I figured I'd do a little drawing to celebrate. Rikku decided to put on a costume dedicated to his favorite Guild Leader: Shroomsworth. And then he decided to make fun of him. And as we all know, PK just loves it when Shroomsworth is made fun of. So here you go!

Also, PK and Shroomsworth are very hard to draw. Especially without a reference. If you look closely, you can see how much I erased around the two of them compared to how much I erased around Rikku. XD Well, I hope I got close enough to the right design. ._.

Also also, I have nothing against Shroomsworth, and neither does Rikku. Rikku makes fun of everyone, especially the ones he likes. XD


PK the Kecleon belongs to :iconpurplekecleon:.

Shroomsworth the Breloom belongs to :iconluvaci:.

Rikku the Sandile belongs to me! His PMD-E application: [link]
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1977x1413px 3.15 MB
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xMystic-Melodyx's avatar
XDDDD That's hilarious. <3