PMD-E: Team Mango Tango Arc 2 AppTeamNormalizer on DeviantArt

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PMD-E: Team Mango Tango Arc 2 App



Team Mango Tango's app for :iconpmd-explorers:

Yep. I made another team. "WHY!?" you ask? Well, because I FEEL LIKE IT. And these guys (along with a few more teams I plan on doing) are the funniest characters from TAOTN who are 20 or more years old (because I figure this happens about 20 years in the past). So anyways, I hope you guys like this crazy duo.

Here's some info about them!

Mangoya: This little guy's the most energetic little flounder you ever will see! He's not your average everyday Stunfisk, that's for sure. It's unknown where he was born and where he grew up, but whatever happened, he got really into fruit. He joined the Merchants because his dream is to become a professional travelling fruit salesman, and who better to learn from than PK! But honestly, he's way too obsessed with fruit. He often incorporates fruit names into his speech (even fruits from Earth, because whatever, it's comedy). His love for fruits may have stemmed from a little... gift he has. He is able to tell how many fruits any given Pokemon has eaten in his or her lifetime, and what fruits they have or haven't had. However, while being a neat little trick, it hardly ever actually comes in handy.

Some fun facts:
- Mangoya's favorite fruit is the mango, after which he was named.
- He speaks with a high-pitched voice and a heavy mexican accent, and he tends to mix some spanish words into his speech every once in a while.
- He calls Crazy Pete, "Señor Loco."
- Unlike most Stunfisk, he never makes the derp or trollface-like faces (at least, not regularly).
- He will occasionally use fruit in battle as weapons. His favorite things to do include using a banana as a boomerang (referred to as the bananarang) and repeatedly hitting the opponent over the head with a coconut.
- He is currently working at Spinda Café as a bartender, filling in for Hops.

Crazy Pete: I'm not gonna say much about this guy. This quote of his will do all the talking. "July, 1974. The US army comes in on the coast of Switzerland where they're ambushed by rogue Indians. As a result, Nazi leader Arnold Schwarzenegger declares war on the Pacific Ocean! It was a fierce battle that lasted for centuries, much like the debate on which is better: vampires or mighty putty. Eventually, the Pacific Ocean's mad skillz put them on the top, and the world was saved from the torture of having to listen to J.G. Wentsworth's 877-CASH-NOW jingle!"

... Now take a moment to remember that none of these things actually exist in the Pokemon world.

Some fun facts:
- His full name is Peter Cornelius Hazenschmazel.
- He speaks with a SLIGHT German accent. It's not much noticeable in his dialogue, but it's there.
- His past is shrouded in mystery. Mainly because he's too crazy to have a coherent story.
- His left eye does not work, hence why it has no pupil. The eye now generally rests in a down-and-too-the-side position. You can only tell where he's looking by his one good eye.
- His greatest enemy and archrival is the tree.
- He is generally friendly, but he has great strangth. As a warning: don't EVER make him angry.

Buck: A very happy-go-lucky and forgetful shiny Bidoof. He has spent all his life as a nomad, since he can never remember what he is doing in a location long enough to stay for a considerable amount of time. He is a simple guy who just likes to have fun and joke around, but also likes to sell little trinkets he collects on his travels. He keeps those trinkets in his scarf, which is usually tied around his staff. The staff is his prized possession. It was handmade (or should I say toothmade) by Buck himself out of a large log from his hometown. He loves to use it as a weapon in battle and always carries it around.

Some fun facts:
- He cannot remember his full name or age.
- He has severe short-term memory loss.
- He speaks with a western accent and cannot make an s sound. Instead he says "sh."
- While not very good at fighting with actual attacks, Buck is surprisingly adept with his staff as a weapon. Being twice his size, it gives him quite a long reach, and he loves using it to mess with enemies and ruin their approaches, such as waving it around by their feet and tripping them up. It also makes him quite agile, as he can use it to vault himself around.

V1.0: First submission. Hope you like! I got lazy with the backgrounds, and Mangoya looked better before I shaded him. XD
V2.0: Buck has joined the team! Art is unfinished, I'll finish it eventually.


Mission 6 (late): [link]
Completed the side mission of performing in the King's Rock Casino. Collected an accessory voucher as a reward, which was used to give Buck a two-colored scarf.


Event 7: [link]
Participated by Crazy Pete writing a letter, which Mangoya received in the future. Collected an evolution scroll as a reward, which was used to recruit Buck.


January 2012: N/A
Did not participate

February 2012: N/A
Did not participate.

March 2012: N/A
Did not participate.
Image size
1311x4145px 2.14 MB
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ZonnyBrown's avatar
AAAWWW Buck is so cute >w<