Hohoemi no Bakudan !TeaMazaki on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/teamazaki/art/Hohoemi-no-Bakudan-548398555TeaMazaki

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TeaMazaki's avatar

Hohoemi no Bakudan !



Yu Yu Hakusho
Tea Mazaki as Yukimura Keiko
Okada-Sama as Urameshi Yusuke
Photo by Miahku
Cosplay, Props and Make up by Tea Mazaki and Okada-Sama

Feel free to share our pictures, as you link back to our fanpage  Okada TeaM Cosplay  and our Instagram  OkadaTeaMCosplay
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960x540px 89.59 KB
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LE-KS's avatar
Hi! I run a Facebook page that features photos of Yu Yu Hakusho cosplayers and I would like your permission to post this photo. Credit will be given to you as the cosplayer. The other cosplayer and photographer will also be credited.
Link to the page: www.facebook.com/YYHCosplayers…