The stream will start on the 8th (Tuesday) at 12:00 pm (noon) pacific time.
The stream will go on for roughly 24 hours, so you don't have to show up at the beginning because we'll be there all day and all night
The main stream where this will all be taking place is right here.
The artists that we have confirmed to be attending are:

This stream will work the same way as the past few in that if you donate 5 dollars or more you can have a picture drawn for you. The more you donate the better quality picture you can have drawn for you.
there will also be a plushie that will be sold as well.
We hope that you can all stop by and say hello, and maybe throw some money mare's way as well.
P.S. Hey guys we're still live XP. Come drop in.
P.P.S Here is a link to mare's journal which explains why we are hosting this charity stream in more detail.