[Hvalla] The BeastTeachMeToLearn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/teachmetolearn/art/Hvalla-The-Beast-935717631TeachMeToLearn

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[Hvalla] The Beast




The elk bucked on its hind legs, sending Yrsa flying through the air while Runa snapped at its ankles trying to bring the beast down. The others readied their weapons, primed to finish the creature off the moment it reached the ground. 


Character ID and Name: W69 Fellheim
Link to Application: Fellheim of clan Darykmore | Jarl
Activity: Hunting 
Prey: Elk

Character ID and Name: W21 Hjorr
Link to Application: www.deviantart.com/spaciousroo…
Activity: Hunting 
Prey: Elk

Character ID and Name: W52 Iola
Link to Application: www.deviantart.com/xrising/art…
Activity: Hunting 
Prey: Elk

Character ID and Name: W36 Runa
Link to Application: www.deviantart.com/rinsomniac/…
Activity: Hunting 
Prey: Elk

Character ID and Name: W51 Yrsa
Link to Application: www.deviantart.com/jessiesgril…
Activity: Hunting 
Prey: Elk

Character ID and Name: W35 Halgaer
Link to Application: www.deviantart.com/sevrn/art/H…
Activity: Hunting 
Prey: Elk


Collab with SpaciousRooms (thumb/basic sketch), xRising (clean sketch), Rinsomniac (lines), jessiesgril (flats), Sevrn (background), and i did the final render!

Image size
1052x1740px 3.25 MB
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Sevrn's avatar

Rolled hunting for W21 Hjorr