Welcome to Translation Chain Redux

4 min read

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TChainRedux's avatar

If you want to take part, you MUST send me (aka lemon-hush) a note with your language skills.

And spread the word around! Thank you! :iconrainbowwaveplz1::iconrainbowwaveplz2::iconrainbowwaveplz3:

General information about the project

1. What is Translation Chain?

It's a project started by salshep in October 2007 as an "experiment in how a piece of writing undergoes changes during many translations". Here is the old account translationchain.deviantart.co… if you want to take a look.

2. How do you join?

:bulletred: We are looking for BILINGUAL writers. If you want to participate, you MUST read and write at least two languages reasonably well.

:bulletred: Send a note to TChainRedux and let me know which languages are best for you. Alternatively, you could help someone who doesn't speak English at all to participate, by letting them know what's happening, and sending in their application for them.

:bulletred: If you know someone who would like the participate, let them know! Spread the word! Feel free to translate this news article into your language.

:bulletred: Unfortunately I can not promise that everybody who puts their name down will get a turn in the first chain. It depends on the number and variety of language combinations I get. However, if this one goes well, there will be more!

3. How will it work?

:bulletred: A poetry or prose piece will be chosen and announced together with a list of the translators.

Once you have translated it, you must:
:bulletblack: Upload it to your gallery (don't forget to credit the original author)
:bulletblack: Send a link to both TChainRedux AND the next person on the list. That person will be someone who knows your own language, plus another.
:bulletblack: Make sure to put the chain number and your number on the translator list in the subject line of your note, e.g. "Chain 1 (5)".

4. More things to keep in mind.

:bulletred: Use only the translation before your own as a reference!!!

:bulletred: Please make sure to pass the poem on to the person after you on the list and nobody else - or the chain will be broken!

:bulletred: When you submit your translation, include a few notes on what it was like to translate it, and they might get featured in the news, too!

:dance: So, the poem might go from English to French, and from French to Japanese, Japanese to Spanish, Spanish back to English, from English to Russian, Russian to Swahili, and so on, until it is finally back to English.

:dance: I will paste the final translation, with the original piece, in a follow-up news report, along with the icons of ALL the people who contributed to this experiment, and links to their translations.

If you have any questions, suggestions and the like, feel free to note me!

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