TBWinger92 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tbwinger92/art/Pony-Fortress-2-Twilight-Sparkle-272517861TBWinger92

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Pony Fortress 2 - Twilight Sparkle



Sniping is magic.

Time for another pony styled Team Fortress 2 class card and now it's Twilight Sparkle's turn. You may probably ask how did Twilight become a Sniper. Maybe that she likes studying and she probably read some books about sniping. She may also learned from the master himself, a man from Australian Outback. With all this knowledge she now precisely kill everyone she meets with her own attitude of course.

This took me a while to make, but I think results are ok.
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© 2011 - 2024 TBWinger92
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aedan122's avatar
o yea, but  twilight has a quick and efficient action on the situation ,  see her episode,she in the forest and see your actions, or see how fluttershy has as the to be a biologist, the guy Scythian, Certain skills ,that has nothing to do with tf2, twilight is a magician and Maresma too, but the way it acts on the battlefield are not handled as a doctor, it is not because I am magician I have to be a doctor or why I have to love animals be the sniper, futile examples you give kitty metal.
in the end, each make as  like and not try to  win advertising or militancy, grow lord metal kitty.
Twilight (Sly Smile) Plz Crazy sniper Tf2 MLP:Evil fluttershy Medic Really Likes What He Sees XD (Chat Icon)