I'm a 20 year old cartoonist, with great passion for- comics, movies, cartoons and books. I began to draw since my childhood, but I began to take it siriusly when I was 15 years old.
My big dream is to publish my own work.
Jsem dvacetiletý ilustrátor s velkou vášní pro kreslení, knihy, komiksy, animáče a filmy. Začal jsem kreslit už od dětství, ale začal jsem to brát vážně až v patnácti letech.
Hey Taz, I wish you a Happy Late Birthday.
Thanks for watching me
You're very kind
Hey, Guys!
This profile is sadly Dead. For some reason I can't post any art, jurnal or status- not even comment or reply!!!
So if anyone is still interested in following my work and the story of turtleboy- please follow me here!
Hey, Taz. How are you doing?
Hey there- sorry Im replying from second profile. but sadly this profile is dead- mostly because for any reason i cant post any art, jurnals or even comment.
so if you still like my work and want to follow me. please do follow me under Turtleboy-comic
Alright. Can I still you commission, though?