SLR McLaren Mercedestaw on DeviantArt

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taw's avatar

SLR McLaren Mercedes



:w00t!: I've finished it. My first vectorized car with more than just solid colors. Actually the first vector I did with gadients. Ah well...just a new expierience for me. I'm still not satisfied how it turned out, but I guess it works for training.

100% Flash MX
Optical Mouse
15hrs of time

The Ride:
Top Speed: 334 km/h
Torque: 780 Nm
Power: 460 KW
Price: ~540.000€

The SLR McLaren is the F1-Racer for "everybody" (who can afford it ;)). Mercedes style, F1 technology and AMG performance make this supersportscar possible. It is supposed to bring the McLaren race-history to the streets (and perhaps it should show Ferrari and their Enzo Ferrari what performance and style should look like). Anyway...if I had 540000€ I would invest it into this car.
Image size
1195x908px 356.38 KB
© 2004 - 2025 taw
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duartecr's avatar
you're not happy with it?? It's f***ing brilliant...
I've beeing drawing vector cars for over 8 years and I can't do anything like this...
good work, no doubt.