I'm a freaky fan girl who just loves to create fan art. Not for popularity, but just because I love it and it makes me happy. I love films and interesting characters.
Current Residence: Manchester, UK
Favourite genre of music: Video game and movie soundtracks
Favourite style of art: Traditional drawing and painting
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Samsung and Zen
Wallpaper of choice: Movie themed
Favourite cartoon character: Professor Layton, Sonic the Hedgehog, Scar, Judge Claude Frollo, Ganondorf, Phoenix Wright
Personal Quote: Be yourself
Find me around on the 'net:
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/tavington
TUMBLR: tavington.tumblr.com
SHEEZYART: donnaevans.sheezyart.com
TWITTER: twitter.com/donnaevans
Any questions? Email me
email: skullkid24@hotmail.com
Thanking you.⭐️😊
Thank you for the fave.😎