Doll-S Monthly Feature: February 2012 ! by caska1979, journal
Doll-S Monthly Feature: February 2012 !
I'm glad (...and proud!) to show you the works submitted to :devdoll-s: that ranked 1st place in February's polls: Digital Drawings :thumb60085281::thumb60085281::thumb60085281:
:thumb155686742::thumb155686742::thumb155686742: Traditional Drawings :thumb182647045::thumb182647045::thumb182647045:
:thumb182955179::thumb182955179::thumb182955179: Photography :thumb189061083::thumb189061083::thumb18906...
They deserve for more attention! - part 11 by Erozja, journal
They deserve for more attention! - part 11
THEY DESERVE FOR MORE ATTENTION! (part 11) :iconmv1plz::iconmv2plz::iconmv3plz::iconmv4plz::iconmv5plz::iconmv6plz::iconmv7plz::iconmv8plz:This features are dedicated to members from my group :icondeviantARTsupporters:! :heart::iconkokorox: :thumb199971930: :iconkokorox::iconmv1plz::iconmv2plz::iconmv3plz::iconmv4plz::iconmv5plz::iconmv6plz::iconmv7plz::iconmv8plz:Here are some works from this awesome but still unseen deviants::iconpinkheartsplz::iconpinkheartsplz::iconpinkheartsplz::iconpinkheartsplz::iconpinkheartsplz:
:star: :iconboaexe: :star:
BEST OF: dA-Supporters group - 4 by Erozja, journal
BEST OF: dA-Supporters group - 4
BEST OF: dA-Supporters group - 4 :iconkikibow1plz::iconkikibow2plz::iconkikibow3plz::iconkikibow4plz::iconkikibow5plz::iconkikibow6plz:Hello everyone! :wave:Here's another feature of my :icondeviantartsupporters: group. :la:
But not that ordinary feature... ;)It will show you only THE BEST ONES works.
Which means: technically perfect, interesting or just original .:iconpurpleflowerplz: :thumb199971930: :iconpurpleflowerplz::iconkikibow1plz::iconkikibow2plz::iconkikibow3plz::iconkikibow4plz::iconkikibow5plz::iconkikibow6plz::iconlove1plz::iconlove2plz::iconlovesplz: TRADITIONAL ART :iconlovesplz:
Hey Tajana remember when I asked if I could use one of your photos for inspiration? I did and here's what I created: I used Photoshop to add in some colors. I know it's not the best but I tried hahah. Just wanted to show you what I did so you wouldn't think I was broadcasting your work as my own (which I would never do to you or any other artist). I can't show you from my stash though so I don't know how I would show it to you...
I am asking if I can post the photo of yours I used for inspiration for my DC OC. I didn't want to at first because I was worried you would think I was "stealing" it or something. It's not important though ^_^