TasiaChiba's avatar


Bedo Bedo Bedo
119 Watchers115 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist
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Birthday '16: Celebrated DeviantArt's Sweet Sixteen
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (130)
My Bio
Current Residence: Ancient Earth
Favourite style of art: traditional, hump me with tradish!
Favourite cartoon character: Sumeragi Subaru and Tsuzuki Asato ... equally!
Personal Quote: Life is for the Living

Favourite Visual Artist
getting difficult.... higuri you, matsushita yoko, yoshitaka amano, michaelangelo, vallejo, etc. ^^;
Favourite Movies
Star Wars Trilogy/LOTR
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Night Wish / X-Japan / Loreena McKinnit / Beethoven / L'Arc en Ciel / and why not... Jimbo
Favourite Writers
Poe! and Orson Scott Card, Ursula K. Le Guin, Patricia McKillip .... and a few others...
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo 8bit/64bit and Play Station
Tools of the Trade
a marking utensil, paper, and blood wahahha (see special jounal post for more details)
Other Interests
Anime/Manga, art, writing, international politics, life

 The Shtuff: 

Commissions! can be found here: http://tasiachiba.deviantart.com/journal/6434809/ ~CLOSED~ 

Updates to any and all can be found here: http://tasiachiba.deviantart.com/journal/3252952/   

The Coloring Book Table of Contents: http://tasiachiba.deviantart.com/journal/3529878/  

Materials For the Cheap can be found here: http://tasiachiba.deviantart.com/journal/6438493/  

Past Kiriban Winners can be found here: http://tasiachiba.deviantart.com/journal/6438652/  

Trades are currently CLOSED.  Gifts given at my own whim. 

WishlistZ & EtcZ: http://tasiachiba.deviantart.com/journal/582364249 

ClubZ & StuffZ: http://tasiachiba.deviantart.com/journal/582364320 

Feel free to keep up to date with me via my LJ or Blog.

I still have Bookmarks available for anyone interested: http://tasiachiba.deviantart.com/journal/20994966/ 

My Others: :iconlemon-sama:  :iconresinangel: :iconsubxsei: :iconsplendiferous-stock: 

Finally coming back!!  For the last few years I've simply been in lurker mode.  I've drawn and painted and did what-nots, just never had the opportunity to upload them here.  The longer I went without an upload, the worst it got for me to break the cycle.  But no moar!  Partially due to a desire to share my new artworks and old and partially due to finally having a chance to purchase a premium account and keep my lovely journal setup.... I've broken the hiatus!  It's been a long time coming.  Real life has been one heck of a wrecker, but I'll beat it into submission yet.  And I now also finally have a premium account!  Which seems to have ...
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Finally coming back!!  For the last few years I've simply been in lurker mode.  I've drawn and painted and did what-nots, just never had the opportunity to upload them here.  The longer I went without an upload, the worst it got for me to break the cycle.  But no moar!  Partially due to a desire to share my new artworks and old and partially due to finally having a chance to purchase a premium account and keep my lovely journal setup.... I've broken the hiatus!  It's been a long time coming.  Real life has been one heck of a wrecker, but I'll beat it into submission yet.  And I now also finally have a premium account!  Which seems to have ...
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ClubZ StuffZ

0 min read
MY LUFFIES: Ever Snugs go to the following luvvies, who provide meh with the mostestests inspiration of all! ::iconMdnghtkith: :iconjensie: :iconchibbit: :iconserrifth: :iconnoodle3-d: :iconswaroop: :iconraye0072: :iconcheckered-fadora: :iconscarecrow: :iconverdant: :iconfrog-vamp: :iconchihaya: :iconaziell: :iconholidame:  :iconitainohime: :icondianamoon: :iconwashuuchan: :iconLordSesshoumaruSama: :iconCostofSanity: :iconBladewyvern: :iconHellsing365: Clubs: :iconclamp-club: :iconiloveyaminomatsuei: :icontsuzukiclub: :iconKoorimeToYouko: :iconseisub: :iconsilverhairedbishies: :iconcolor-me-club: :iconfantasy-exchange: :iconmatanteilokiclu...
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Profile Comments 531

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washuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How have you beeeeeen?!?!?!?!?!  =glomps back=
woo hoo

sorry for late reply hahah... work happens

I'm okay! And how are you? Me, I've been around, mostly fandoming and rping from said fandoms. 
haha, I'm in the same boat... work eating me alive!  @__@  Got me too tired to do anything, meh. >_<  Definitely time for a job change, haha! 

Otherwise, not too bad.  Currently marathoning The Strain, lol~  Been working on wig making for my BJD and some general crafting, but been really wanting to paint and nothing's coming to me.  Been awhile since I have gotten into any fandom stuffs online.  What'chu into?~
Thank you for the watch! :hug: