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An Art Knight Studios Production
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A Web Comic prequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender that follows the journey of two Airbender survivors during the events of Sozin's Comet and the beginnings of the Hundred Year War. Start reading here!

We are also on tapas and twitter if you prefer a more mobile/scrollable experience. Current update schedule: Every 10th, 20th and 30th of the month!

Tashi and Nima Back Cover

**This DeviantART serves as a gallery for the comics and artwork of Tashi and Nima! Our website is down at the moment so this will serve as our official hub for the time being.**

We're holding a YCH (Your Character Here) Contest on Twitter! In celebration of our ATLA fan-comic's return, we're hosting a YCH contest over at our twitter! Enter to win a chance at your OC (or character of choice) drawn in one of these bending poses! The Rules are as follows: 1. Follow us on twitter (https://twitter.com/TashiandNima) 2. Like & RT the contest post (https://twitter.com/TashiandNima/status/1504910103459246081) 3. Tag friends for an extra chance to win! *Ends 3/31 11:59pm. Good Luck!
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It's been a while, friends. Contrary to popular belief, we have not discontinued this project! The written story has actually been completed for nearly ten years and we're committed to finishing it, one way or the other. Illustrating it has been a huge endeavor and anyone who's done webcomics can tell you it's easy for life to get in the way. That being said, we're extremely happy to announce... Chapter 4 is coming!!! Please stay tuned for more information! We're excited to bring you updates as they come!
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I was tagged by :iconamandalaurenstudio: to post 8 Facts about my airbender OC, Jamyang!Rules: 1. Post these rules. 2. Post 8 facts about your character. 3. Tag 8 other characters. 4. Post their names along with their creators' avatars.Jamyang is a character who hasn't had a lot of page time yet, but is definitely a driving force in Nima's character and personality. She plays a huge influence on him having the strength to carry on after the vicious attacks of Firelord Sozin.1) Jamyang has never cut her hair - and don't think about asking her to! Fun fact! Jamyang was created somewhere around 2011-2012! That means I established her characte...
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Profile Comments 39

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can you do commissions?

Hey there, Rift09, I know this is a year and a half late (I haven't been on this page in a loooong time) but I am indeed open for commissions (if you're still interested, of course). This link will take you to my rate sheet. Thanks! :D

Congratulations on you Avatar comic! Trophy 
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Birthday cake  icon Happy birthday !! Birthday cake  icon