tartan-tardis on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tartan-tardis/art/Stroll-in-the-Grounds-352424503tartan-tardis

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Stroll in the Grounds



So this weekend was the Harry Potter Society's Highland Weekend Away. We hired out a beautiful lodge in Invergarry (just next to Loch Ness), pretty much surrounded by stunning scenery! Looking after 20 people can be a bit stressful so I loved it when, in the evenings we all sat in the sitting room, knitting, debating, playing chess/cranium/twister (we really know how to party in this society!) and generally chilling out which gave me time for some painting - and it had to be an outdoor scene! Once I've gone through all the photos of the Highlands I will definitely include them in a painting!
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3401x2446px 6.71 MB
CanoScan LiDE 110
© 2013 - 2024 tartan-tardis
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Aquardial's avatar
I love that you made another 'moment' that could be nearly any moment, probably between 3rd and 6th year. There's no specific thing behind them to give a 'size', so they could be any height, and their features are a bit ambiguous. Sooooo lovely. Such a relaxed and happy moment; with all the angst, there must have been some, somewhere :-)
Absolutely gorgeous as usual. Sounds like you had a great time on the weekend! *green with jealousy* I'll just live vicariously through your art.