tarkheki on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tarkheki/art/Shadow-of-a-Trickster-156022316tarkheki

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tarkheki's avatar

Shadow of a Trickster



One of many images made for the Round Dance at the NCC on Feb 27, 2010.

When you look at something for what it is- you are only looking at a fraction of it. Reason, symbolism, and intent remain by the far the most important driving force behind why a person does what they do. Like a shadow that is cast behind them after they move- it's the remain of what was done.
Similar so is our spirit- that drives us to do what we do.

Here, Raven's spirit becomes obvious in the sunset's light- the trickster revealed in a world of cast shadows- where the actions have giving away to reveal the intent- the spirit of someone's actions.

If all that is left are those shadows- let us hope that we can leave behind the reminiscences of good actions, and not the bad- the way Raven left behind the light.
May we leave behind wet-lands and rain forests, good natured people and peace; not the catastrophes of war, and not the the sentiments of extremist ideals and fundamentals that have left the word in anger and hate.

Medium: Gouache and Acrylic on illustration board
Size: 9.5 " by 5.25 "
Prints: Available for $10
Original: $150
Image size
685x404px 320.1 KB
© 2010 - 2024 tarkheki
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Aztecatl13's avatar
Is it Haida inspired? Tlingit inspired?