Horse and Eagle Dancerstarkheki on DeviantArt

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tarkheki's avatar

Horse and Eagle Dancers



Commission for :iconbuckskinmare:.

She requested a Horse and Eagle.. but she also included one concept to be included in the design "dancers".
I ran with that idea; becuase if there is anything that isn't depicted enough in the North Wets Pacific style, is the concept of the Dancers themselves in the style.

I had a great deal of fun with this one. No doubt it will develop into a series of designs, because I am loving what I can do with it!

The originals of these two will be on display and for sale at the Round Dance this weekend at the Native Canadian Center in Toronto. :heart:

Size: both are 8.5" x 11"
Medium: Acrylics
Price: $150 for each original
Prints: Available $10
Image size
747x604px 355.12 KB
© 2010 - 2025 tarkheki
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amusedinsanity's avatar
Wow, your NW native style is amazing, I really love it. I grew up in the NW of the US with an anthropologist for a father, so I never get enough of native art. Just amazing.