tarkheki on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tarkheki/art/Color-of-my-World-153554567tarkheki

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Color of my World



This was a gift for :iconhewhowalkswithtigers:.

I cannot express my deepest profound admiration and love to Kuba- for being someone who actually "does" as opposed to "talks".
Kuba has traveled continents and countries, dedicating and volunteering his time to Tiger conservation. At a first glance and meeting, you are met with a quiet, soft spoken man who's passions obviously roar greater than the cats he protects. Well educated and versed in the ways of conservation, Kuba's driving force is without a doubt, a Tiger: the endurance and the tenacity to continue even in the hardest of situations, standing up against anything and anyone; even at the expense of oneself.

I honestly believe that if there were more people like Kuba, our problems in this world could be solved. For now, I can honestly say that I feel that Tigers have a fighting chance to survive becuase people like him exist. :heart:

Pencil on Black Craft Paper.
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519x428px 223.21 KB
© 2010 - 2024 tarkheki
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storytellerX's avatar
Oh my gosh,this is so amazing I can't even explain why I love it so much