My LPS 2012 Cast Meme (V2)Tara012 on DeviantArt

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My LPS 2012 Cast Meme (V2)



Here is my own 2012 version of "Littlest Pet Shop" Cast Meme. This is the second version.


Blythe Baxter(The Stylish Animal Lover - Chibiusa Tsukino/Sailor Chibi Moon (Sailor Moon)
Roger Baxter(The Embarrassing Dad) - Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon)
Anna Twombly(The Eccentric Pet Shop Owner) - Granny (Looney Tunes)
Youngmee Song(The Helpful Friend) - Momoko Momohara (Sailor Moon)
Fisher Biskit(The Rich Rival) - Prince Diamond (Sailor Moon)
Whittany and Brittany Biskit(The Bratty Twins) - Sherri and Terri (The Simpsons)
Josh Sharp(The Animal Lover's Crush) - Helios (Sailor Moon)
Christie(The Friendly Sweet Shop Owner) - Unazuki Furuhata (Sailor Moon)
Zoe Trent(The Singing Dog) - Pauline (Super Mario)
Penny Ling(The Sensitive Panda) - Cream The Rabbit (Sailor Moon)
Russel Ferguson(The Uptight Hedgehog) - Yoh Asakura (Shaman King)
Sunil Nevla(The Timid Mongoose) - Luigi (Super Mario)
Minka Mark(The Artsy Monkey) - Pinkie Pie (MLP)
Peppet Clark(The Funny Skunk) - Luan Loud (The Loud House)
Vinnie Terrio(The Dancing Gecko) - Yoshi (Super Mario/Yoshi)
Gail Trent(The Singing Dog's Sibling) - Princess Shokora (Wario Land 4)
Buttercream Sundae(The Hyper Bunny) - Mew Pudding/Kikki (Mew Mew Power)
Sugar Sprinkles(The Sweet Cat) - Outer Moka Akashiya (Rosario+Vampire)
Peachie Fluffton(The Cheerful Quoka) - Mina Ashido (MHA)
Shivers(The Sneaky Squirrel) - Morgana (Persona 5)

Others - N/A

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Create your own LPS cast blank meme
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