tanyquil on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tanyquil/art/The-Forbidden-Tutorial-309270474tanyquil

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The Forbidden Tutorial



I’m calling this a ‘semi-tutorial’ of my pendant ‘The Forbidden’ ([link]) because I’m making it in responses to posts on my page asking for more tutorials. This style of wrap is hard to make a tutorial for, because I tend to go into them with no real plan. I did take photos as I made it, though, and added some explanation. I hope people find it helpful!

I'm going to be posting tutorials very frequently, and you can find them a week ahead of deviantart on my private website, www.caitamberdesigns.com.


Come check me out on facebook! [link]

I'm also on Etsy! [link]

and Twitter! [link]
Image size
1000x2000px 1.34 MB
© 2012 - 2024 tanyquil
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Thank you for posting this. I am using this as a muse for my current project, for myself. I don't sell my jewelry, I do however give it to friends as gifts. This is a beautiful piece. I plan to not restrain myself. I want intricate beauty...maybe I will get close to yours.