TanteiKid's avatar


H. S. Allen
3 Watchers25 Deviations



Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Digital Art
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio
Favourite genre of music: J-pop, J-rock (now, that's variety!)
Favourite photographer: My grandpa, Hal Gould & Phil Borges
Favourite cartoon character: Scott Leadready II
Personal Quote: Sorry I'm late. I was taking a picture of a potato.

Favourite Visual Artist
Aoyama, Takahashi, Adachi
Favourite Movies
Edward Scissor Hands
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
L'arc, TMBG
Favourite Writers
Steve Allen
Favourite Games
Zelda or FF? Can't choose.
Tools of the Trade
Graphire 2
Other Interests
Detective Conan, Cartoons
... has lead to my uneventful return. It only makes sense that the two things Deviant Art includes, computers and art, are exactly what the job that I got have been keeping me busy with. I somehow got a job at an art gallery.  I keep thinking that someone else would be better for the job, but I'm there for the my "mad" komputer skillz. So to anyone who missed me I just have to say, "huh?"
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The museum I volunteer at just had an opening of an Andre de Dienes exhibit last night. He was the man who gave Marilyn Monroe her first modeling job back when she was Norma Jean.  If you're in the Denver area I suggest checking out the exhibit, which is open until Halloween. It has much of the first Marilyn shoot along with other stars, some nudes, and 1940s Native American photos. (Besides all the other famous originals by other artists). I'm not much of a photographer, as my gallery attests, but I really loved my Grandpa's photos. Now that I've been exposed to famous artists I finally have another favorite photographer: Phil Borges. He h
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I put up some more things on my site. There's a mp3 of Mouri's actor speaking (from when I took that bad picture in my scraps), and also a magic eye puzzle (it's in katakana, so it won't make much sense if you don't know it). Although my site isn't really getting any hits off of here, I thought I'd offer for people to suggest anything they'd like to see. I won't be doing anime coverage (beyond the movies) since it's so well covered elsewhere.  But anything more manga related is up for grabs. Well, off to take some more pictures... -TK ~DetectiveConan (https://www.deviantart.com/detectiveconan) :icondetectiveconan-club:
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Profile Comments 25

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O_O DETECTIVE CONAN IS T3H SEX. :XD: How'd you get to see the movies? Did you used to live in Japan? o.o
Yeah, I was really lucky. I studied abroad and left just after the 5th movie premier, then went on a trip with my boyfriend where we accidentally stumbled upon the 7th movie. The fourth I caught on tv there and the rest I bought on dvd (crummy, region 2 dvd :crying: ). There are also film books they put out that are manga of the comics. In any case Funimation has the rights to the first two movies so hopefully everyone gets to see those. =)
Oh,that's so awesome!! =D I can't wait. (=
Cool gallery! Love Officer Yumi, matchmaker one! ^_^ I like Detective Conan too!
Thanks for the watching!
thanks muchies for the comment, m'dear!

Thanks a lot for commenting on my KID with Aoko pic! :glomp: It already means a lot to me. Love ya! :D

By the way, you've got a cute gallery :D Keep it up! :)