Black Gown Itanit-isis-stock on DeviantArt

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tanit-isis-stock's avatar

Black Gown I


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:new: Time for something new! :new:

Photographer:   ©Apollyon
Model/hair/mua etc: Me (Tanit-Isis)©

Bullet; Black Please take some time to read my rules.If I realise again that my photos are used for selling/fake profiles etc, or have my face replaced,legal action will be taken immediately.That was it.Bullet; Black

:iconsparklesplz:Stock Rules:iconsparklesplz:
:iconkokorox:Credit me if you use it by adding my icon (:icon tanit -isis-stock: ,without spaces!)
to your deviation comments.

:iconkokorox:Note me back(either comment or note are ok) with the link of your deviation!
I want to see your work and+fav it!

:iconkokorox:Don't use outside deviant art(unless I am given some credit).

:iconkokorox:You will not use my stock in any offensive way!

:iconkokorox:Don't use it for commercial reasons(with some exceptions e.g prints etc)Giving me a credit is a must.

:iconkokorox:And most important...BE CREATIVE!:) (Smile)

PoliceAlso important!Police
Concerning stock photos of myself.

Bullet; BlackYou are not allowed to use my body(or any clothes,jewels I might wear etc.)to fit them in an other person.The photos are categorized as stock MODELS and not stock items!

Bullet; BlackIt is not permitted that my face is REPLACED.You can make changes in colours or add make up etc.But absolutely it is NOT allowed to add another face on my body.
It is my own work,my own IDEAS,in which I have spent labor & time and of course a result of cooperation between photographer & model.Thus,no one has the right to do that.It is considered STEALING.

If you violate these simple rules,I will have to ask you to remove your deviation or simply report you.

Thanks for your time!Here's a kiss for you, my love!

:icontanit-isis:My main account
Image size
3280x4948px 14.09 MB
© 2014 - 2025 tanit-isis-stock
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Jimking's avatar

Used here. Thank you!  :)

Dark Sorceress 2 (4K Wallpaper)