Tanateis's avatar


Manga eater
24 Watchers81 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Apr 27
  • Switzerland
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Birthday '16: Celebrated DeviantArt's Sweet Sixteen
Twist Fate: I commented on Twist Fate!
truth® Artist Collective: I joined the truth® Artist Collective
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (280)
My Bio

Hi everybody! Neko Emoji-41 - (Kawaii Waving) [V3] by Jerikuto
I'm Tanateis (Jeanne), thank you for visiting my page!

About me:
I studied biology in Geneva and Montreal.
At school, I probably spent as much time drawing that I spent time listening to the teachers.
I read too much manga!

I draw for fun, mostly RPG characters and medieval fantasy related things. Now, I really like drawing manga too! I'm pretty useless with digital art (but aiming at improving it soon), so my deviations are mostly pencil or inked pictures.

I am overjoyed for each comment, fav, llama, praise, watch, constructive criticism and all feedback I receive in general! Your support give me strength to keep trying hard. And I like to make new friends, so don’t hesitate to speak to me.

Caramelldansen SD1 by RUKAWA-SAMA
:iconsparklesplz: :iconwilldrawforplz::iconwilldrawfor2plz: Mischief Managed by DoctorFluffy warning.. by Tbearmn22 :iconsparklesplz:

I LIKE: tea, chocolate, looking at the sky, cats, ugly postcards (I had a contest of that with my family), spring, drawing, sleeping…

I HATE: the inhumane way refugees are treated, homophobic laws and people, ….....horror movies! (That’s too scary! ~(T.T)~ )

I ROOT FOR: peace, love, tolerance, degrowth, preservation of nature, LGBT rights, women’s rights, abolition of obligatory military service in Switzerland,… world domination by cats


Oh, and by the way, I like stamps! Stamps are so cool!

Bad Mood Stamps Smiling by stamps-club I like you, i'll.. by esoog-adnama Stamp: Dark Side by porpierita + Funny+ by Beauty-Sama killed by Sky-of-Dust + Toilet paper + by Beauty-Sama Hard To Kidnap Stamp by ladieoffical
Double Negatives Stamp by PsychoMonkeyShogun I Disagree with This Stamp by End--Quote I Disagree with This Stamp by End--Quote I Support ... IDK by SparkLum You by Knight1313 I'M SO AMAZING by Dametora Random Stamp by Drake1
Fluffy and cute stamps :

STAMP: I'm a Dreamer by zungzwang Clouds stamp by ringoshine You're not alone by TheSallySaga Stamp: I Love Cute Things by starfire-wolf

Random stamps:

Bats Only by SongficcerUntitled by Mark Wahlberg is wearing a hat by PsychoMonkeyShogunUntitled by Jackass Stamp by AmethystKirby Argue With That Logic by PsychoMonkeyShogunUntitled by Haha stamp by minas-stamps Bunnies Stamp by ladieoffical Icha Icha Paradise Stamp by Formula-UK Nothing else to do. by Tbearmn22 if you insist... by Tbearmn22 MOAR WIGGLES -stamp- by AfterDinnerMint

Interests stamps:
Snape Love Stamp by Tandenfee Caesar Flickerman Stamp by Tandenfee I support Maes Hughes by ttalktomesoftly G pen Stamp by SaxonSurokov Reading Stamp by Tandenfee

Favourite Visual Artist
Old Xian, Takeru Mikami (3745 House), Kaoru Mori, Yoneda Kou, Boulet, Emi 10-Rankai...
Favourite Movies
Monthy python Sacré graal, L of the R, Star wars, miyazaki's films, south park, many Disney and pixar movies, corpse bride, The Adams family, La cité de la peur...
Favourite TV Shows
Escaflowne, Dark angel, Hero corp, Kaamelot, Malcolm, Scrubs, Free!, my otome, Smallville (because Tom Welling is just too hot!!!!)...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Moriarty, Odelelaf et M.D., Les blérots de ravel, Kiss the anus of a black cat, Lilium Sova, Les Cowboy fringants, Emily Loizeau, Les 2 min du peuple, Bluk Bluk, Les têtes raides,
Favourite Books
Freak's squeele, His Dark Materials, Harry potter, 19 days, The Black Magician, Scott Pilgrim, ...
Other Interests
Manga, BD, animes, biology, RPG, Griffins, BL, Yakusa stories, Dragons, zombies, baking cakes, zombies cakes, Llamas in pajamas, Unicorns pooping rainbows, (well whatever… is anybody actually still reading at that point?)

Profile Comments 73

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HowR you doing : )
Your welcome sweetie<3
Because your art is really pretty!
Tiens, c'est marrant... J'ai l'impression qu'on se connait déjà toutes les deux, non ??

Thx for la bestiole à poils longs ! Je vais la tondre et en faire un joli bonnet... ou des moufles... ou des chaussons... ou une écharpe... ou je vais rien tondre et je vais faire une sieste ! Panda Emoji-06 (Nap) [V1]

Mille mercis pour ton soutien !Hug 
Danke für das :iconllama3dplz:. :)