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212 Deviations

Is anyone interested in keep reading my comic Moving in here?

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Hello? Anyone there?
Dusting this page... :|

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Hello ladies and gents~!

How are you all doing?
As the title reads, I'm not going to be posting on DA anymore. The reason being I've seen a lot of art theft going on, and I've personally got art stolen multiple times through the years here.

Now I know art theft is going to happen anyway, but at least I wont be giving free art here. 
If you're interested in keep following me. you can do so on:

instagram: vicedraws
fb art page: art by vice

and for my comic:
tumblr: movingincomic
tapastic: tapas.io/vicekof

Cheers guys, It's been quite a ride.

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Hello readers!

I finally decided to open a Patreon because, well, why not? Lets go with the flow. 

This is mostly for the people that follow my comic Moving in, posted here, and in tumblr, BUT you can check out my rewards as they don't include things only comic related.
Feel free to check it out! www.patreon.com/vicedraws

I want Moving In to be free and remain free from beginning to end, but if you like what I do, please consider supporting! 

I'll be resuming  the creation of the comic for next weekend, thank you for your support!

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Hello people that follow my journal! 

I have some news for you all. 
If you know, or don't know, I made a mini comic looooong time ago called "Moving in" with these two girls that meet each other while one is moving into the apartment building of the other one.
You can check it here: tamura.deviantart.com/gallery/…

A lot of people liked the comic, and asked me if I was doing more of it, at that time I only did it because I wanted to do a project (even if small) from the beginning to the end, and I did it, so I didn't have plans to continue it. 

But now rethinking where I stand and my abilities (and the long learning journey I still have ahead ^^; ) I've decided to redo that comic, and make it longer! The story will have the same 2 main characters (redesigned a bit) and I plan more characters to come along, more storytelling and less "I kissed you, just cause!"

Hopefully I can put the first chapter online soon, or at least the first pages, colored and pretty and all... and hopefully if it has the same likes, I can continue even more than the first chapter :)

Anyways, I have nothing to show for now, I want to put at least the first 5 pages in bulk, so the story actually makes sense XD

Cheers guys! Have a nice day wherever you are!

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Not going to be posting here anymore by Tamura, journal

My Patreon is here! by Tamura, journal

Redoing my comic -Moving in- by Tamura, journal

Being an animator by Tamura, journal

62600 kiriban express go! by Tamura, journal