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FtLoL - Page 15-16



Pages 13-14

Pages 17-18

Heh, I like the last panel... Even Napoleon can be cute. And now we know where Vincent learned THIS bold move. Warning guys! Use this tactic at your own risk! The outcome may wary.

Next, I'm gonna talk about some hidden details in these pages so if you're not interested to know every single detail about RD characters, you might not read this...

Now, I want to point one thing out. You may notice there's something different about Vincent here. Yes, his spikes are bigger. Now, here's my answer to all of you who have been wondering about the size of Vincent's spikes. No, it's not my style, I draw Vincent's spikes smaller ON PURPOSE. This is because after evolving Vincent realised he couln't hug Veruka without hurting her so he actually broke his own spikes so he wouldn't hurt anyone. His spikes are a lot smoother now and aren't harmful. Thus, I think he can't use metal claw attack... Anyway, the point being, he still has his long spikes here which means he has just recently evolved which brings me to my other point...

Cotton is older than Vincent but she evolved very late. We can assume it took long time for her to get happy again after... "dumbing" Napoleon. We can see she still misses him in panel five of page 15.

And last, "Xena" and "Hothead" are Veruka's nicknames that other members of the team like to use... :XD:

Pokemon (c) Nintendo
Random Doom (c) me
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d123456ftjp's avatar

This made no sense at all but i love it