tamalesyatole on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/tamalesyatole/art/Princess-Celestia-s-Room-306944208tamalesyatole

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tamalesyatole's avatar

Princess Celestia's Room



Finally! This started like a simple background for an incoming Comic, but somewhat ended doing all this. Never imagined how much detail went on those backgrounds. And all this for only one episode!*

:bulletgreen:Source image:[link] (Main)

:bulletgreen:SVG: [link] Updated

You can use the individual items, too. Same rules. And if you can provide a link to the final work, that would be nice ;)


:bulletred:Important: If you were one of the 6 people who downloaded the PNG file before June 8th, consider download it again, since the original file had some rendering glitches, already fixed in this revision.

*S01E05: "Griffon the Brush-Off" and I think another one. Maybe.
Image size
10718x6000px 4.64 MB
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