Yamato 2199 Yamato Flight Jacket Patchtalos56 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/talos56/art/Yamato-2199-Yamato-Flight-Jacket-Patch-328701714talos56

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talos56's avatar

Yamato 2199 Yamato Flight Jacket Patch



This one is a patch I've been wanting to do since I first saw episode 5 of Yamato 2199. In it, Kodai holds a briefing for the Yamato's fighter squadron and wears a flight jacket over his suit. The other pilots have the Cosmo Falcon squadron patch on their's, but as Kodai doesn't belong to the squadron, he has the generic ship patch. I thought it looked awesome, especially with the white wave motion gun barrel in the center.
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1448x1500px 266.97 KB
© 2012 - 2025 talos56
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AngusMcTavish's avatar
Grew up with the original, currently halfway through the reboot...Man, they're ALL so good!!

Great job on this!