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This is a size comparison chart of many of the aircraft I'm working on in some form currently. Some are just sketches that I don't intend to finish, but most of them get fiddled with. All of the finished, colored ones are either all mine or collaborations with Logan (comradeloganov here on DA).
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6148x2000px 2.22 MB
© 2013 - 2025 talos56
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The Coast Guard one, it is a Dornier something? Do25 maybe? Anyway, I like it. The grey RAF XB-51 variant is attractive too; it actually looks more 'right' in RAF than US colors. What's the VF-84 job there on left? All three of those definitely look like they should have been.
Aw man, a decade or two ago could have remembered what the little prop job behind the VF84 jet is. Remember seeing something about it in one of Dad's 1960s air magazines.My brain is wanting to associate name Curtiss-Bell with it; whether that is even remotely close, who knows.
I think the sand and light blue Luftwaffe North Africa paint job would look good on a lot of things. Lufthansa livery came out well: whatever the real plane it is based on is, that thing's nose is a bit blunt for my sense of esthetics.
Aw man, a decade or two ago could have remembered what the little prop job behind the VF84 jet is. Remember seeing something about it in one of Dad's 1960s air magazines.My brain is wanting to associate name Curtiss-Bell with it; whether that is even remotely close, who knows.
I think the sand and light blue Luftwaffe North Africa paint job would look good on a lot of things. Lufthansa livery came out well: whatever the real plane it is based on is, that thing's nose is a bit blunt for my sense of esthetics.