TallonGryph- Weird Little PetTallonRoe on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tallonroe/art/TallonGryph-Weird-Little-Pet-16947559TallonRoe

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TallonGryph- Weird Little Pet



Yes, that's me. My wife has always been rather lukewarm about my gryphon avatar, and I finally asked her how she would improve the image. She, along with her friend, told me- "Your avatar is too wild, too lean, and too happy to accurately represent you. I imagine you more like a stocky, small, disgruntled little fuzzy pet." So I drew this and showed her, and she thinks it's much more accurate. At least, I'm assuming that's what all the fits of giggling and nodding were about.

So I'm a lupogryph, but now I'm a "stocky, small, disgruntled little fuzzy pet". Now that I think about it, that *does* sound like me on an everday basis.
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850x520px 81.39 KB
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TNHawke's avatar
*giggles* ::snoogles the stocky grumpy little pet::

I love all the different textures you got in this!