TallaFerroXIV on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tallaferroxiv/art/Abugida-314190457TallaFerroXIV

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TallaFerroXIV's avatar




Here's a little Abugida I made to be used by the conlangs I'm making. I still have to make the lang for this one, but I have other stuff to do.

The script is a mix of Thai, other Devanagari scripts and and odd assortment of symbols I had around for quite a while. Funny that, by coincidence, /g/ looks like a side ways <g> and /n/ looks really similar to the Thai <n> (น).

I may make a few more letters to make it more complete, maybe some aproximants or more fricatives... aspiration markers? I could do a lot with markers...

So yeah, I don't only draw ponies, folks!
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2943x2298px 454.27 KB
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Arianod's avatar
Really nice, I love the look of it! :clap: