Favourite Movies
The Sixth Sense, Alien, Toy Story 3, Scream, Truman Show, Kill Bill, Casino Royale, Avengers Endgame
Favourite TV Shows
Kanon, Breaking Bad, Steven Universe, Attack on Titan, Nichijou, Code Geass, Stranger Things, Digimon, Doctor Who, Daredevil
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Living End, Hideki Naganuma, Operator Please, LAPFOX, Crush 40, Vocaloids, Odyssey Eurobeat, MCR
Favourite Books
Text: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Sonic comics
Favourite Games
Sonic, Bayonetta, EarthBound, Banjo-Kazooie, Star Fox 64, Dust, Ori, Animal Crossing, Overwatch, TF2
Favourite Gaming Platform
All of them