[FNAF SB tSAMS] Practice - MeditatioTaleea on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/taleea/art/FNAF-SB-tSAMS-Practice-Meditatio-1142961639Taleea

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Taleea's avatar

[FNAF SB tSAMS] Practice - Meditatio


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Just a simple art for the sake of practicing. Sometimes I simply color random sketches to try around with stuff, but you can say that in roughly three quarters things are not turning out well enough for sharing. But sometimes, like with this, it got me a rather interesting result and so it's sharing time, alright. :3
Nothing else to this, but this really, but I hope you will enjoy this nonetheless. Take care! :thanks:


Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach [FNAF SB] and all related characters © Scott Cawthon
The Sun and Moon Show and all related characters [The Sun and Moon Show]

Image size
1440x911px 678.71 KB
© 2025 Taleea
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MadOtto's avatar

THAT LOOKS SO GOOD! Llama Emoji-02 (Blush) [V1] I LOVE THAT effect you made! Heart LoveIt looks like a bit of glitch or...tv with red and white BUT pastel! FriskLAIt looks SO GOOD! AND I always loved SUN SO YAAAAAAY!!!! Neko Emoji-37 (Yay) [V2]