Takogami on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/takogami/art/RoD5-Soul-What-the-Eagle-is-That-568658414Takogami

Deviation Actions

Takogami's avatar

[RoD5:Soul] What the Eagle is That?



Congrats you got egul totem horaa!

RoD for the lovely weif Hiramana just because <3

so much for having a crap internet, do all owed stuff in a daaay

Import link and name (including ID) of Tokota: Harlequin 4679
Rider/Handler: Bullet
Link to group note in which HP points have been validated by an administrator: comments.deviantart.com/1/5489…
Previous tasks (in order):
Rite one:  [RoD1:Courage] When two commons come together
Rite two: [RoD2: Navigation] Snowball attack!
Rite three: [RoD3:Respect] Jump in!
Rite four: [RoD:4 Dedication] Zzzz
Rite five: You are here
Image size
3633x2245px 2.67 MB
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Neezineri's avatar
Late comment.. but anywhhoo... Just needed to comment on this:
"Congrats you got egul totem horaa!"
As a Swede my first reation was to laugh my ass of as I didn't see cheering, I saw you call someone whore x'D
as "Hora" Is the Swedish word for "Whore"... x'D
Sorry for taking up your time I will now proceed to go trough your gallery...