Technical Extinction Poster Contest

7 min read

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TailsFan2022's avatar
Greetings, fellow Decepticons! 

I have decided that after I complete Dark Tails Unleashed, I will be working on a new Sonic Boom fanfic, which is titled as 'Technical Extinction.' 

While post-production and development needs to be made for the story, in the meantime, I will be holding a poster contest for the fanfic, to show how many posters we can get for it. :) 

:iconerik-the-okapi: will be my co-writer for the fanfic. 

This is the current story synopsis for the fanfic:

'Sticks creates a ban on technology, believing it to be a connection to the government agents, and she believes that technology cannot be trusted. So, with Mayor Fink's approval, the Ban of Technology is officially made. However, Tails and Eggman refuse to give up on their shared interest in technology, although this doesn't go down too well, as Mayor Fink soon forms a new group of Anti-Technology hunters (led by Sticks) to track them down, and rid the island of machines, robots and Wrist Communicator technology.

So, Team Sonic, along with Zooey, Eggman, Orbot, Cubot and Friendbot escape from Bygone Island, and they hide out on Forgone Island to create a plan to get rid of the restriction law of technology uses. With help from Team Fixer, Sonic, Tails and Eggman begin to plan out an idea to break Sticks' law. But, how will they deal with Sticks and the Anti-Technology hunters in the process?' 

Hope you like the sound of the story synopsis. :) 

The characters that will be appearing in the story will be:

Team Sonic
Sonic the Hedgehog
Miles 'Tails' Prower
Knuckles the Echidna 
Amy Rose
Doctor Eggman 
Team Fixer 
Fixer the Fox
Erik the Okapi
Shift the Hedgehog 
Sienna the Porcupine 
Qaulya the Grizzly Bear

Anti-Technology Hunters
Sticks the Badger 
Dave the Intern
Willy Walrus 
Tree Spy
Weasel Bandit
T.W Barker 
Fastidious Beaver 
Old Lady Goat

Anwyays, the contest is to design and create a poster for the upcoming fanfic. Here are the basic and easy rules to follow...

1: The poster must have Sonic, Tails (either normal or in Werefox form) and Eggman (in Boom designs) as the three main characters on the front, with any pose you wish to do them in. Other background characters can be added by your own choice from the list above. 

2: The background can be anywhere on Bygone Island or Forgone Island of your choice. For Forgone Island, you can draw it in your own style of what it should look like. The background can have action behind it, or just calm and peaceful backgrounds. 

3: The poster can be landscape or portrait, and it must have titles and writing.

4: Please do not draw anything inappropriate or off-topic. 

5: Entries must be in your name, so that I know it is yours. 

6: Drawing styles can be traditional or digital. They need to be in colour too.

7: Just have fun drawing your entries! :)

The deadline will be Wednesday 17th May, 2017. 
So, there is plenty of time for you guys to make your entries! :) 

1st Prize: 100 points

2nd Prize: A SticksXFixer fanfic request written by :iconerik-the-okapi: and :icontailsfan2022:
3rd Prize: A Sonic pairing drawing request made for you by :iconerik-the-okapi:
In this, you have the option of choosing one of these four pairings:
SonicXAmy, TailsXZooey, SticksXFixer or ErikXQauyla. 

4th Prize: A free traditional drawing of your OC character made by me.

5th Prize: A free drawing request and stamp made for you by :iconmeltheartist:

6th Prize - The winner of this prize will be able to draw one of the members in Sticks' Anti-Technolegy Hunters group. :) 

All spots are filled
1: :iconpixelwolffox: (Done)
2: :icondan-habiki:
3: :iconskippy-008: (Done)
Contest Entry - Sonic Boom: Technical Extiction by Skippy-008
4: :iconjasienorko:
5: :iconfandomisticdreamer:
6: :iconrockyfivethehedgehog: (Done)
<da:thumb id="676444191"/>
7: :iconthecarebeargirl: (Done)
Contest Entry~ Technical Extinction Poster by TheCareBearGirl
8: :iconaure-sy-euryu:
9: :iconjasminetailsfan: (Done)
Technical Extinction Poster Contest by jasminetailsfan
10: :icontoad900: (Done)

Due to personal reasons, :icondash-the-cheetah: and :iconmeltheartist: have had to drop out of the contest. 

Leave a comment in the box below, if you wish to join this fun little contest. 

:iconerik-the-okapi: and :icontailsfan2022: will be the judges of the contest. 

Please note: The Forgone Island in this fanfic is based on the Fan-Made Version of Legends, which is owned by me and :iconerik-the-okapi:. This version of Legends has no relations to the official Legends. 

The Sonic Boom Legends series and Forgone Island belong to :iconfixerschannel:

All Sonic Boom characters belong to SEGA, Big Red Button and Oui-Do!. 

Fixer the Fox belongs to :iconfixerschannel:
Erik the Okapi belongs to :iconerik-the-okapi:
Shift the Hedgehog and Slingshot belong to :icontailsfan2022:
Qaulya the Grizzly Bear belongs to :iconqcherry:
Sienna the Porcupine belongs to :icondepressedlatte: and protected by :icontailsfan2022:

Until next time, this is grimlock1997 rolling out!

© 2017 - 2025 TailsFan2022
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PixelWolfFox's avatar
Too bad all the slots are taken ;w;