Spike EmoteTails-155 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tails-155/art/Spike-Emote-296404668Tails-155

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Spike Emote



Figured I'd give it a shot, meta: it's based off the Pony model.

I modified the Pipsqueak model which is a modified version of :iconcatluvr2:'s model, not, in fact a modifiication of my smaller one, but separate from that one. I, at first was thinking the scale was too small to make Spike properly, but then I went "well, I made Pipsqueak... Oh! And made this while getting ready for school this morning.
Image size
21x20px 284 B
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catluvr2's avatar
:lol: I was thinking about making a Spike emote, but you beat me to it.
