5-stars-artists feature Food

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Tahog's avatar
This month feature's theme is Food.
Thank you to IceXDragon for suggestion


Digital art

Traditional art

Prize features

Comfy-Corner contest

1st place BakuSpirit

2nd place TheQueenOfDespair


3rd place Selmmma

PlzCatalog contest

Grand winner Mirz123


Create a PLZ contest winner dully101

PLZ hunt winner NyanQueen

:thumb309792939: Kawaii Plum by NyanQueen

Other winners

Boredom by icefire8521 Kurochii by EpicStormMage Merry Christmas!! by magicwingsforever RAWR [votepls] by magicwingsforever Anxious and Young by magicwingsforever Mew by magicwingsforever Into the Arena
"It's time," Tiara announced as she bustled into the room. She smiled slightly at me. I was sitting quietly on a table, swinging my legs back and forth like a little child, waiting to go into the arena and meet my fate. I was already in my tribute outfit: a black tank top (which I already cut holes for my wings), black shorts, a belt with little pockets, and combat boots. I reflected on my brief days in the Capital. Images flashed through my mind like bullets:
The parade with the armor as dark as midnight and sparkling gold designs.
Meeting my annoying Capitol-born prep team, stylist, and mentor who didn't know the first thing about deadly fights, much less winning them.
The interview, where I acted oh-so-innocent like an angel and the crowd cooed at my cuteness. Ha! Just you wait, you ignorant Capital citizens. Wait a couple more days, and watch me turn the arena into a bloody mess.

A bell rung, and I calmly walked into the glass cylinder by the doorway and waited. I blew Tia
Vanilla Twilight by magicwingsforever Dragon by magicwingsforever Phantom of the Opera for ~bluevirgin by LibertineM Supermote! REVAMP by IceXDragon

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Selmmma's avatar
Thanks a lot for the feature! :D Congratulations to all artists, great work, keep it up! ;)