When The Ultimate Woman Crashes by shaqbait, literature
When The Ultimate Woman Crashes
The sublime, splendid, most-beautiful and glorious Morgan Fare, was know as The Ultimate Woman. she had been the High Priestess of a coven of beautiful hipster vigilantes. Then, she went mainstream and became a decorated sniper and a splendid role model for all women.
That's when the Federation of Brilliant Scientists decided to see if this brilliant, magnificent woman could fly with the help of a new Mega-Strength Flight Suit and Cape (MSFSC Device) The new device fit the Ultimate Woman perfectly.
Under strict testing conditions and under strict observation, and with thousands of adoring fans gathered below, the glorious Morgan Fare soared high into the air. She glowed, her hair spread and her cape spread. She was perfect! From high in the air, she heard the EEEWS and AAAWS from the fanatics on the ground, many of them lesbian hipsters. The scientist were jubilant!
Then the flight suit failed and stopped working!
The Ultimate Woman dropped from the sky like a bullet -even
Alice Ribbons Targets Sabrina by GoldBitter, literature
Alice Ribbons Targets Sabrina
Standing on a neighboring rooftop, Alice Ribbons pulled out a pair of binoculars and studied the crowd of people outside the mansion's front gates.
News reporters and fans of celebrity gossip had gathered outside Sabrina Appleby's mansion to get a peek at the many famous people attending the party inside. It was one of the hottest parties of the year and had attracted an appropriately large audience.
But Alice wasn't there for celebrity gossip. She was there to steal the infamous Appleby Jewels that Sabrina would be showing off near the end of the evening.
The collection of gemstones and Jewlery was worth more than the entire, multi-million dollar mansion they were kept within and Alice couldn't resist the priceless target.
"My biggest score yet The perfect target to put me back on the map!!" the thief whispered to herself before slipping the binoculars away and checking her appearance.
Alice had acquired a particularly fancy and elegant outfit for the evening, designed to blend