Quiververse Bonus Reel - Vignette Twenty by EchoWing, literature
Quiververse Bonus Reel - Vignette Twenty
Granny Smith was not in a chipper mood. She felt that she’d earned that right, given how long she’d lived, but the situation that she was about to find herself in did little to discourage her as she and most of her immediate family found themselves cresting the final hill to Apple Con.
She and the Apple Family had been attending the convention since the early days, which were ones she remembered fondly. Much like her family, the convention had started with humble roots as a means to gather with other apple farmers and merchants, discuss new trends, drum up additional business for the farm and pad the rainy-day fund. As time had passed, however, the convention had expanded to include other fruit-growers. Granny had begrudgingly come to tolerate the orange, pineapple and peach merchants, as some of them were kin, and the berry growers, but certain individuals still stuck in her craw. Certain individuals from the Pear family, to be specific.
Regardless, by her reckoning, the