(Story of Melissa) School of Stone Part 2 by LaBellaDitaASFR, literature
(Story of Melissa) School of Stone Part 2
It has been a busy few weeks at the Andromeda house. Kate and Melissa had been doing food crushes every night once Kathleen left, and they had been playful when Kathleen was there, turning themselves to statues on and off for hours on end. Every once in a while, they would forget and touch Kathleen, instantly turning them to a stone statue, but for the past weeks, everything had gone smoothly, until now.
Kate and Melissa woke up that morning and came downstairs for breakfast.
Kate: What do you want to eat today?
Melissa: Hmmm, some peanut butter toast sounds good to me.
Kate: Ooo that does sound good, but you know what sounds better?
Melissa: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Kate: I think so!
Kate went to the cabinet and grabbed the jar of peanut butter, as well as a knife. She then took a seat on a chair, and rested her right foot on her left leg.
She opened the jar while Melissa sat down in a chair a few feet in front of her.
Kate grabbed the knife, loaded it with peanut butter, and began to spread it all over the sole of her foot, even making sure to stick some in between her toes.
When she finished, she stuck out her foot, and waved it in Melissa’s face.
Kate: Breakfast is served! Go ahead and eat!
Melissa grabbed Kate’s foot and began to lick at the peanut butter. The thick sticky brown substance was very hard to lick off, but she found a way. She enjoyed every lick, as did Kate. It took about 10 minutes for Melissa to lick the peanut butter off completely, and it was 10 minutes of pure joy for both of them.
Then they switched roles, Melissa spreading the peanut butter on her feet, Kate licking the foot clean. And by the time their feet were clean, both had a full stomach, and a happy heart!
Kate: Oh that was so much fun!!! We should do it again tomorrow!
Melissa: You act like we haven’t done this for literally every day since our moms left. But yes, I’m sure we will do a food crush at some point tomorrow haha.
The two went to sit down on the couch and watch a movie. About halfway through the movie, the doorbell rang and in came Kathleen.
Girls: Hi Kathleen!!!
Kathleen: Hi girls
The girls noticed that Kathleen wasn’t her usual happy self.
Kate: Is everything alright Kathleen?
Kathleen: Umm, why don’t you girls sit down and we can talk.
The girls now knew something was up, and from the sound of it, it was nothing good.
They sat down on the couch, and Kathleen began to speak.
Kathleen: So girls, I received some news this morning that I was told to share with you.
Melissa: Our Moms are coming home?!?
Kathleen: No, actually its quite the opposite. Bea, and both of your mothers have been turned to stone by the gorgon they sought to defeat.
Girls: WHAT!!!!
Kathleen: I know it’s not what you want to hear, and I am very sorry for what has happened. I understand if you need some time to yourselves, just know I’m here for you.
Both girls began crying heavily, and Kathleen came over and hugged them.
They cried and cried for a few minutes, and then Melissa slowly began to stop.
Melissa: Come on Kate, let’s go to my room.
Kate and Melissa walked up to Melissa’s bedroom, Kate still weeping the whole time.
Melissa sat Kate down on the bed and began to talk.
Melissa: Look Kate, what good is crying going to do, we must take action!
Kate: But our moms…they...are stone statues!!!
Melissa: Exactly my point, crying won’t turn them back, so we have to try!!!
Kate slowly stopped crying
Kate: Melissa, if our own mothers can’t stop the beast, then how could we? We will just end up like them.
Melissa: So what? If we don’t try, our mothers will surely be statues forever. At least if we go down we go down with them, come on.
Kate thought for many minutes.
Kate: Fine, but what about Kathleen.
Melissa walked over to her dresser and pulled out a gray bottle of spray paint, or at least that’s what it appeared to be.
Melissa: I’ll handle it, you stay here.
Late stayed put while Melissa went downstairs. Kate heard Kathleen scream, and a minute or so later, Melissa opened the door.
Melissa: There we go, now we just go!
Kate: What did you do?
Melissa: Come see!
The two walked downstairs and there Kate saw, a statue of stone, frozen in a look of anger and shock, it was Kathleen.
Kate: Let me guess, the spray paint turns people to stone?
Melissa: Yep! Stone spray! It lasts until you wash the statue in water, like washing off the paint. So she will be like this for a while.
Kate: Conscious?
Melissa: Yep!
Kate: How fun, maybe you should bring that so we can use it
Melissa: Oh I will, I’m packing an entire backpack full of gadgets we can use to petrify the gorgon
Kate: Alright well, I’m ready to leave whenever.
Melissa: Alright, I’ll be back in just a minute, and then we leave!
Melissa ran upstairs and was back down a few minutes later.
Together Kate and Melissa set out towards the bus stop, where they would take a bus to the location of the school, and there they would fight the gorgon.
As Melissa looked back at her house, she realized it could be her final time seeing it, seeing the city, seeing anything for that matter. She hoped this wasn’t the case, and she hoped she wouldn’t fall victim to the gorgon.
The bus ride took a few hours but finally it stopped at the Washerton bus station, a short walk from the school.
It was approaching nightfall, and the girls wanted to make sure they were inside the school by sunset.
Melissa used her phone’s map app to navigate them towards the school.
Their path would lead them through a nature park, through some fields, and finally into the heart of the town, and on the outskirts of the town, they would find the school.
Melissa: Alright, should take about 30 minutes to get there, you ready?
Kate: Yep!
They began their walk through the nature park, paths carved a way through the heavily wooded area. As they walked, beautiful streams of water flowing through the woods. It was all so peaceful and beautiful, a stark contrast to what they thought they would see that night.
They eventually emerged from the park and into a farm field. The field was muddy, as it had rained heavily that morning. They had a few fields like this to cross before they would see the town.
Kate: Yuck, so much mud
Melissa: Yeah, well we have to cross it, we don’t have a ton of time so quit complaining.
Kate: Fine, but I’m going barefoot so I can at least get enjoyment out of the nice cool squish under my feet.
Melissa: I’ll do the same, leave your shoes and socks here so we can grab them once we are done.
Kate: If we survive
Melissa and Kate removed their shoes and revealed their beautiful feet. Melissa’s nails were painted a mix of pastel colors, while Kate’s were painted a simple orange.
Melissa began to walk through the wet, squishy mud, and Kate followed. Within only a fee steps, their feet and ankles were covered in the goop, and you could no longer even see their colorful toenails.
They both enjoyed the feeling of the mud squishing under their feet. The cool wet feeling of it was relaxing in a way.
Their walk across the muddy fields was pretty boring otherwise and took about 20 minutes until they saw the outskirts of the town.
As they made their way through the town, the sun was setting and they had to hurry. As they walked through the streets of the town, people stared long and hard at them. Two young teenage girls, barefoot, muddy, alone. It was strange but nobody said anything.
The walk only took about 10 minutes, but it felt like a lifetime.
But finally, after a journey that took all day, they had arrived at the school, just as the sun began to sink below the horizon. They stood at the main entrance, looking at the dark, vine covered school building.
Kate: Your sure you want to do this? We might never see daylight again. I’m in if you’re in though.
Melissa: Yep, let’s go! But first we need weapons, take this gorgon gun, I’ll take the spray paint.
Melissa handed Kate the gun and Kate tucked it into the pockets of her hoodie.
Kate: Let’s do this
The girls, still barefoot, approached the door to the school and opened it, they walked inside and found the graveyard of statues. Dozens and dozens if statues stood in the common area they found themselves in.
Melissa and Kate examined a few of the statues.
Kate: Eww close your eyes Melissa, they are all nude.
Melissa: I see that, come on, let’s not get distracted. I want to finish this quickly.
The girls headed off further into the school, they didn’t know where they were going, but they were heading towards the gym.
As the girls walked off, they were completely unaware of a certain statue they had walked by. Athena. Athena’s statue still stood in the corner, frozen in the same pose as she had been for weeks now. She was alive and conscious, just trapped in her stone body as all the other statues were.
Athena was absolutely freaking put, seeing her daughter in the school. Athena knew that she was likely a statue for eternity, and she didn’t want Melissa to suffer the same fate.
She cried inside her stone body as the girls disappeared from her sight.
The girls decided they would just wander the school until they found the gorgon, so that is what they did.
But it didn’t take long for them to find what they were looking for.
As they walked down the main hallway they weren’t paying quite enough attention to their surroundings, and were caught off guard by the nude, scaly gorgon.
The gorgon grabbed Melissa by the shoulders and spun her around. Melissa, who completely did not expect this, had no time to close her eyes. Kate meanwhile had no clue what was going on until she heard a scream from Melissa.
Kate quickly covered and closed her eyes and fell to the ground. She peeped between her fingers carefully and saw what she feared. She saw two gray stone bare feet, and two scaly green feet.
Once she processed what had happened she quickly covered her eyes, and then she heard a calming voice.
Gorgon: Oh darling, what a lovely statue you would make! You can join your friend, it will be great fun!
Kate stayed silent
Gorgon: Come on darling, I know it’s scary, but please open your eyes, I have other ideas if you don’t want to be a statue. I might even be able to make a compromise with you
Kate: Yeah, like what??
Gorgon: Well I’ve always wanted a daughter…
Kate: A daughter??
Gorgon: Yes, a daughter, someone to spend time with, someone to talk to. I’ve been like this for thousands upon thousands of years and I long for someone to spend it with. It’s a lonely life when you have to turn everyone who comes near you to stone, just so you can live.
Kate still kept her eyes covered while lying on the ground. But her mind was racing.
Kate: So you want me to be your daughter?
Gorgon: Yes darling.
Kate: But won’t I end up as a statue?
Gorgon: Not if I wear my sunglasses darling, I might even be able to give you my powers, gorgons can’t transform other gorgons after all.
Kate had an idea.
Kate: And If I do become your daughter, will you turn back everyone in this building.
Gorgon: That is very difficult, but I will compromise and turn your friend here and your parents back.
Kate: What about Bea?
Gorgon: Her too.
Kate: Fine, I’ll do it.
But Kate had other plans
Gorgon: Oh yay!! Now let me just put my sunglasses on. Stand up but keep your eyes closed while i do.
Kate took the opportunity to reach into her back pocket and grab the gray canister. She stood up and hid the canister behind her back.
Gorgon: Alright my darling, now listen carefully. My sunglasses are on. So go ahead and open your eyes.
Kate wasn’t sure if she could trust the gorgon, but her plan wouldn’t work if she couldn’t see her target.
Kate opened her eyes slowly and saw the nude, scaly, green body of the gorgon. The snakes on her head slithered around and moved. Her eyes covered in pitch black sunglasses.
Gorgon: Good my darling, now hold out your arm so I can give you my powers.
Kate knew it was now or never
Kate slowly began to hold put her arm, but in it, the gray canister.
Kate aimed and sprayed the bottle. It released a gray cloud of smoke that quickly consumed the gorgon.
The gorgon quickly realized she had been tricked, and began to lunge at Kate, but was quickly frozen in place.
Gorgon: Nooooo!!
The spray quickly began the transformation. And the frozen solid Gorgon quickly turned to stone.
Kate waited patiently for the fog to clear, and when it did, a gray stone statue of an angry gorgon stood.
Kate: Yes!!! I did it!!! This nightmare is over!!!!
Kate was so relieved, she defeated the gorgon!!
But now what?
As Kate stood there, she became lost. Her mother, her friends, Bea, and everyone around her was a statue, all frozen in poses of terror. She needed help, she needed to go find the police and tell them what she had done so they could come help extract the gorgon.
Kate ran over to the statue of Melissa, her curly hair slightly covering her horrified facial expression.
Kate: Melissa! I did it, I stopped the gorgon! You’re gonna be freed.
Inside her stone body, Melissa felt a wave of relief wash over her. She would be freed sometime.
Kate then gave her stone friend a hug and bolted towards the exit.
She ran across the street, still in her bare feet, to the library.
She burst through the doors and everyone in the room turned to face her.
Kate stood frozen for a few seconds, unsure of what to say.
Cop: Is everything ok little girl?
Kate: No, well, yes but no! The gorgon, I’ve done it!
Cop: Done what?
Kate: Turned her to stone! You must get some people from statue city here to take the gorgon so we can free everyone else?
Cop: Yeah right, like a little girl like you can kill a gorgon, don’t waste our time, we have work to do.
Kate: Fine, ill prove it to you!
Cop: How so?
Kate grabbed the canister from her pocket and sprayed the cop in the face. The cop quickly froze and turned to stone.
All the other cops froze in fear and in shock, unsure of what to do now
Kate: Now, unless the rest of you want to be statues too, I suggest you get moving!!! Call statue city and tell them the gorgon needs to be extracted!!!
The cops still just stood in shock.
Kate: Move!!!!!
That got the cops moving and they followed her request.
Now I won’t bore you with the details but here is a basic overview of the next few days:
A few people from the statue city’s “Investigation Team” came with a truck, got into the school, and extracted the statue of the gorgon.
They brought it back to statue city, and put the gorgon in a special jail cell. This cell allowed them to un-petrify the gorgon, then subdue them with a magic fainting gas. They were then able to draw as much blood as they needed for their potion.
The gorgon was awakened, and then brought to the cubes where they were turned into stone for an indefinite amount of time.
The gorgon was placed back in the lab as a decoration, and kept there for a while.
The potion meanwhile took a month to make, so all the statues had to endure one month of agony. But once that month passed, the time had come to turn everyone back.
Kate, along with a few statue city workers returned to the cursed school. All were loaded with squirt guns, filled with the potion. Their goal was simple, turn everyone in the school back to normal, but first, they needed to free their own people.
Kate took her squirt gun, and approached her mother. She took aim and fired a single shot of liquid. The liquid hit the statue and immediately began to turn the stone-gray surface to tan colored skin. The effect rippled out and within seconds, Crystal was free from her pose, and she quickly gained her senses back to the fullest and stood up to see her daughter standing on in front of her.
Kate ran and hugged Crystal, who was still naked, but fully transformed back to human.
Kate: Mom!!!
Crystal: Kate!!! Oh, my goodness darling I thought I’d never see you again!
Kate and Crystal both began to cry
Kate: I love you mom!!!
Crystal: I love you too darling!!!
The two hugged it out and cried for many minutes, but then separated.
Kate: Mom! We need to free the others!
Crystal: Oh yes, duh, poor Molly is still a statue while we enjoy freedom!
Kate squirted Molly with the liquid, and she too transformed back. There were embraces and tears of joy, and then the group went to find Bea. When they did, they turned her back too, and she was overjoyed.
Finally they headed for Athena, who again was so happy to be free.
Athena: Where is Melissa??
Kate: She is still a statue. Come on, I’ll show you where she is!
The group followed Kate to the location of Melissa’s statue. Melissa was still frozen in the same pose she had been. And Athena cried at the sight of her daughter being frozen in terror as a statue.
Athena took a gun and squirted Melissa, who quickly turned back and fell to the ground before regaining her strength.
Athena dove to the ground and embraced Melissa.
Melissa: Mom!! I’m so glad to see you!!!
Athena: I’m happier to see you darling!!
The girls continued hugging it out, and then everyone in the group hugged in a big embrace.
The group was led out of the school by the statue city officials and were led into a van that took them back to the city.
From there, it was a long recovery process. They spent many weeks resting and spending time relaxing and reflecting.
It was hard, but they knew they needed to get back to a normal life quickly, as there was much to do, and much to explore.
When the time was right, they all tried to resume their normal lives, and statue city was back to normal.
For those students, teachers, and first responders who were turned to stone in the school, the process was similar. The rescue team turned them back and sent them into a recovery center where they rehabbed physically and mentally back to full strength over the course of several months.
But in the end, all was well for these folks too.
And finally to the gorgon. The gorgon stood a s a statue, writhing in anger and pain as she came to accept her fate. She knew she would likely never be free and would always be a stone statue. Conscious, alive, able to see, hear, feel, and think. But not move. It was a punishment worse than death, and she would have an eternity to suffer that fate. All the while, being a decoration for others to play with. Many city workers would come and play with her stone body, and she could do nothing but take it. It was a horrible fate, for a horrible monster.
All was well in the statue city, for now at least, but all was soon to change, it was just a matter of time.