Promise of a Miracle S2 Chapter 13 Indecision by ShagonsHeart, literature
Promise of a Miracle S2 Chapter 13 Indecision
I know everyone’s been waiting for this so let's jump straight in.
Content warning: emotional outbursts, scars, denial, injury and past trauma
Chapter 13
Rapunzel was starting to realize that following her destiny was a lot more complicated than she thought. She had touched the black rocks like she did back in Corona and like before they made a path for her to follow in this strange new world. She couldn’t find Eugene, Cassandra or Lance. She couldn’t even find the door she came out of. Still this had to be where she was meant to go. The others knew that she’s following the rocks so it was best to stay on the path. The rocks were still here and still leading her. Only…she had a small problem.
There were two paths now. One leading left and one leading right. This could be a problem if the others were trying to find her. She made a quick marking on the side of a building and tried the right path first. She was convinced this was where she was meant to go, it led her to