8 Tips for Writing Dialogue for your Characters by DesdemonaDeBlake, literature
8 Tips for Writing Dialogue for your Characters
8 Tips for Writing Dialogue for your Characters Anybody Can Write a Novel Chapter 5 “Choosing and Designing Characters” – Section 4 “Dialogue” With Links to Supplementary Material Dialogue is a tricky topic, and for two key reasons. The first is that creating realistic dialogue is a difficult skill to master—even in day-to-day life—without speech coming out plastic, pointless, or otherwise unconvincing. The second problem is that the proper dialogue for your story is deeply rooted within the other elements—the characters, the setting, the genre, etc... Because of this, writing dialogue that is custom fitted to your story, requires adjus...
8 Tips for Describing a Story Setting by DesdemonaDeBlake, literature
8 Tips for Describing a Story Setting
8 Tips for Describing a Story Setting Anybody Can Write a Novel Chapter 3 “World Building” – Section 3“Describing Settings” With Links to Supplementary Material Another tricky skill to master in writing is setting description. Setting description is often the first thing that a reader encounters in a story, making it an essential skill to perfect if you want to hook your readers. To make matters more complicated, it is often difficult to calculate the right amount of description in settings—too much or too little can either leave the reader bored, overwhelmed, or confused. Today, I'm going to talk about how to create engaging and approp...
6 Tips for Writing Erotica by DesdemonaDeBlake, literature
6 Tips for Writing Erotica
6 Tips for Writing Erotica Anybody Can Write a Novel 2.0 Chapter 2 “Genres” – Section 14 “Erotica” ( Previous Tutorial ) ( Next Tutorial ) "There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain." -Audrey Hepburn With the mainstream publication of “50 Shades of Gray” and its many rip-offs, erotica has become a popularized genre with stories, plots, character development, and the same sort of expectations as any other genre. That being said, I've never read any erotica that met those standards ...