92 Gears - Animation StudyTaffGoch on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/taffgoch/art/92-Gears-Animation-Study-244748523TaffGoch

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92 Gears - Animation Study



Feasibility study, for potential photo-realistic rendering

• Red gears: 20 teeth, 12 count
• Blue gears: 24 teeth, 20 count
• Yellow gears: 13 teeth, 60 count

Red gears aligned with icosahedron vertices • Blue gears aligned with dodecahedron vertices

Polyhedral basis for red & blue gears: buckyball

Regarding all 92 gears, the central rotation axes are aligned with the vertices of a frequency 3v, class-I geodesic tessellation of an icosahedron

Modeled in SketchUp • Animated in JASC Animation Shop

Minor edit (28 July 2011): Adjusted GIF dither, to reduce obvious color "banding," and added internal "geodesic cage" support frame

See stereo version, 92 Gears - Animation Stereo3D

Rendered version; work-in-progress, so far: 92 Gears - Caged
Image size
600x600px 615.3 KB
© 2011 - 2025 TaffGoch
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2022 and i just found out about this. Its completely mesmerizing and my brain can't wrap around how it works, rendering any try of replicating this to a paiful failure. Do you have any guides/hints? Anything could help!

Wonderful work!