Tutorial: How to Appliquetaeliac on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/taeliac/art/Tutorial-How-to-Applique-95085013taeliac

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Tutorial: How to Applique



Well, I needed a break from doing this for hours! So, I took pictures while I was going (as per the usual) of appliqueing the clouds onto the Itachi robe I have on commission (that I have to have done this weekend/early next week :faint:)

So... I hope you can find this helpful, as well! It's a grand alternative to the Fakie Screen-Printing Tutorial for a way of applying color or design.

I'll probably wind up coming in and editing this description shortly; I'm just too tired right now! That was a lot more work (both the cloud things, and the tutorial) than I thought it would be!

I have one question for Naruto fans, though: why is there only one cloud on Itachi's outfit that goes backwards? The one on the back, as per this reference - [link] Why just one?! *drives me crazy*

As per the usual:

2008 Samantha Lemieux / Taeliac Studio [link]
Do not repost, redistribute, or edit in any way without permission. DO NOT STEAL!
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© 2008 - 2025 taeliac
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StetsonNewsie's avatar
I'm a bit new to the sewing game, but I am ambitious. I plan to make a superhero costume (A fun spandex deal), and I need to have a logo smack dab in the center of the chest. 
Would you recommend this method, or is there a simpler way I am overlooking? Even just a quick nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

Thanks so much!
(Saved the link regardless, as I think this would be perfect for some future plans I have)