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Tutorial: Basic Hand Stitches



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Here are the (admittedly, very simple) instructions for (again, admittedly, very simple) hand sewing stitches.

These were put together for the class we're teaching next week, but I thought some of you may want to know some basic hand sewing techniques, too, so I'm uploading this as well!

This is specifically meant to work with my Simple Bag Tutorial, but shall work for any time you're looking to sew something!

And, yes, because someone is going to point it out, that last one isn't an "applique stitch," it's just a modified whip stitch over the top, but that's a little more to explain to 12-year olds who may or may not have ever sewn before, so I figured, call it something simple and that be that.

So, please, anyone who wants to point that out to me shall have it pointed out that they are too lazy to read, and to please go away…

Also, did I ever mention how much I <3 Illustrator? I'm starting to feel like I should have been a technical illustrator, and not a sewing person... alas XP

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