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Taeliac (Sam)
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Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (42)
My Bio
A professional theatrical costumer & couture seamstress, who also enjoys shooting photography that others may find inspirational, useful, or just plain fun - hence, stock photography seemed natural!

Tools of the Trade
Pentax camera, a few lenses, some filters, and Adobe Lightroom
Other Interests
Sewing, sewing and more sewing (over at taeliac.deviantART.com)
This weekend, I was lucky enough to be invited to see locals who studied traditional Japanese dance perform, and to be able to take pictures. I have just downloaded them, and I have about 8 gigs to get through! I will be posting quite a few of them as references for poses for your drawings, as well as some stock! For now, here's a teaser of what I'm talking about: Pretty sweet, huh? Also, I have a ton from other events this month, including a traditional Kagura performance (with Oni!) and I just found a camera card I thought I had lost, with a ton of photos from this spring on it! Yay!
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A year in Japan

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My husband and I have been in Japan for over a year now, in a small town in northern Kyushu, surrounded by fields, forests, and mountains. It is slightly surreal, to say the least. And it's hard to believe that it's been so long, yet it doesn't really feel like it. Except when I go through my photo catalogs, that is. I swear, I've only uploaded stuff from the first few months we were here - I have an entire years worth of photos to put up, it seems! While we haven't gone anywhere really far away, like Kyoto or Tokyo or Hiroshima, we have explored our little corner, and I'm kind of enjoying that. So, expect to see some more images for you gu
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To Japan we go!

0 min read
In case you don't follow my regular account, taeliac (https://www.deviantart.com/taeliac), in the middle of October, we wound up moving to Japan - Nakatsu-shi, on Kyushu, to be specific. Now, because of this, I have a backlog of both regular stock I've meant to get up here, but more importantly, a huge collection of photos from Japan - mostly temples, too, because I absolutely adore taking photos of them! So, if you would like to see my regular images, take a look over at taeliac (https://www.deviantart.com/taeliac), and in the near future, there'll be a ton of photos added up here for your use! :love: :bulletblack: PS: If you are interested in following my photos and randomness from Japan, please check
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Profile Comments 186

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Hi Taeliac.  For this illustration Ice Spirit by reedymanedkelpie
I did for a story for my online magazine

Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores
I used your water 08 stock.  As a Thank You I would like to offer you free subscriptions to my magazine for 2016 and 2017:




Of course, I credited you and linked back to your page and the stock.

I used your stock here: lyssiana.deviantart.com/art/Ne… :heart:
Thank you. :blackrose: :hug:
Hello, I used your stock here: Unexpected visitor
Many Thanks!
I sent you a note :)