Apheliontadp0l3 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tadp0l3/art/Aphelion-167911851tadp0l3

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Daily Deviation

July 13, 2010
Aphelion by ~tadp0l3 Suggester says: "The vast amount of details and the brilliant, realistic scenery literally blew my mind! This piece has a great composition which adds a nice sense of scale and perspective to the overall scene."
Featured by MacRebisz
Suggested by gucken
tadp0l3's avatar



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Thanks to the people in #Attrius and in #Spaceart for tips and critique on this one.

Asteroids rendered in vue 7. Postwork in PS.

Hit download for full view.

16:10 Ratio wallpaper. If you want another resulution give me a shout and I'll see what I can do :)

[link] <- 16:9 resolution (1920x1080 etc).
Image size
1920x1200px 2.54 MB
© 2010 - 2025 tadp0l3
anonymous's avatar
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bigbadwolf5th's avatar
I just searched 2 hours to find your pic again, had it as a wallpaper for month, wanted to try a new one, decided yours is much more beautifull and found out my computer didnt store it. glad i found it again, it has a special touch of melancholy to it. if you want to read a book that fittes this pic, pls read The Quiet War and Gardens of the Sun, you ll love em.

thank you for this pic ! :)